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第四课时 Section B(2a一3b) 基础积畦 基础知识+积累运工,根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词。1.D (末爱的) friend,how are you now?2. We have an Art了 (节日) each year, 3.Idont like to go to that library. We camnt findnew bookst (在那里),4.MY father is Yery b (必碌的) every day,S$, Heis anew S$ (学生) in our school, 下.用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。student thing term cousin busy 1. We are al go00d2. My birthday is in August, 3, We always have two in a year,4. We have Some interesting this term,5,.Linda is very today,亚,单项选择。( )1. We have art festival this week,festival is interesting,A,aiThe B.an;TheC, the;An D.anyAn( )2. Mr. Smith is no0w, Can you call him this evening?A,long B, rightC.Realfhy D, hnsy( )3,.National Day is a big in China,A. festival B, monthC,.number D. question)4, Bi an English Day this term?A, Do;has 了B. Do;haveC, Does inas D. Doesinave( )$,一Well go to Hainan for a trip, A, Happy birthdaylB,. OKIC. Thats right, 】 1D, Have a good timel 法 人 和 能力提升 综合训练+提升能人.根据汉语意思完成句子。1 .确实是一个繁忙的学期。It term,2,我的生日聚会在六月。My is in June,
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