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Section B (2a2e),Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years.,自主预习案,1.彩色铅笔 2.羞愧 3.将认为 4.数数 5百年;世纪 6.依据;按照,一、四会单词,crayon,shame,regard,count,century,according,自主预习案,7.与相对 8.特别 9.童年;幼年 10.注视 11.拥有;抓住,一、四会单词,opposite,especially,childhood,consider,hold,自主预习案,1.寻找 2.保持不变 3.根据 4.依看,二、重点短语,search for,stay the same,according to,in ones opinion,随堂导学案,Teacher: Our hometowns have changed a lot recently. Think of changes that are happening in our hometowns. And discuss the changes with your partner.,2a,Answer the questions before you read. Then read the passage to find out if your answers are the same as in the passage.,3 What new buildings does the government usually build in towns and villages?,1 Why do millions of Chinese leave the countryside every year?,2 How often do you think these people visit their hometowns?,They go to the cities to look for work.,They visit their hometowns once or twice a year.,The government usually builds new schools or hospitals.,2a,Answer the questions before you read. Then read the passage to find out if your answers are the same as in the passage.,Hometown Feelings Some people still live in their hometown. However, others may only see it once or twice a year. Nowadays, millions of Chinese leave the countryside to search for work in the cities. Among these is Zhong Wei, a 46-year-old husband and father. He has lived in Wenzhou for the last 13 years. With a hard job in a crayon factory, he doesnt find much time to visit his hometown. “I used to return home at least once a year, but I havent been back for almost three years now. Its a shame, but I just dont have the time,” he says.,Hometown Feelings Many people like Zhong Wei regard with great interest how their hometowns have changed. Perhaps large hospitals and new roads have appeared. In many places, the government has also built new schools and sent teachers from the cities to help. “I noticed thats true of my hometown,” adds Zhong Wei. “Children have learned to read and count at my old primary school since the mid-20th century. But now the buildings are really old. I hear theyre going to build a new school there.” Zhong Wei thinks such developments are good, and he also knows that his hometown cannot always stay the same.,2a,Answer the questions before you read. Then read the passage to find out if your answers are the same as in the passage.,2a,Answer the questions before you read. Then read the passage to find out if your answers are the same as in the passage.,Hometown Feelings According to Zhong Wei, however, some things will never change. “In my hometown, there was a big old tree opposite the school. It is still there and has become quite a symbol of the place. Most of the children in my time liked to play together under that big tree, especially during the summer holidays. It was such a happy childhood. Our hometown has left many soft and sweet memories in our hearts.”,Find expressions in the passage that have the same meanings as these words and phrases.,2b,search,regard,opposite,according to,return,developments,place,Complete the summary with words from the passage. You may need to change the forms of the words.,2c,hometowns,cities,return,year,crayon,interested,government,good,never,memories,Think of changes that are happening in your town or city today. Which changes are generally good? Which changes could be seen as bad?,2d,now,before,Think about your favorite thing from childhood which you still have. For example, it can be a toy or a book. Then take notes using the questions.,3a,Write three paragraphs about your favorite thing. Use your notes in 3a to help you.,3b,Self Check,1. Complete the sentences using for or since.,1. I have been to a museum _ 2. I havent written a letter _ 3. I havent ridden a bike _ 4. I havent seen a movie _ 5. I havent played computer games_ _,for three years.,since last year.,for two weeks.,since last month.,since I was in high school.,Self Check,2 Complete the conversation.,A: Hey Eric,_ you enjoyed your time in Beijing so far? B: Yes, it _ been great! Everyone is so friendly. A: How long _ you been in China now? B: Oh, I _ here _ about two years now. A: Wow, that means you havent _ back to the US for two years? B: No, I _been back twice _moving to China. _ you been to the US before, Li Juan? A: Yes, I went there once when I _10 years old, but I _ not been back _then.,have,has,have,have been,for,been,have,since,Have,was,have,since,Key points,between与among区别 (1)between和among 都是介词。 (2)between 一般指“在两者之间”。Among指“三者(或三者以上)之中”。 如:He is standing between Lucy and Mary. 他站在露西和琼之间。 He is standing among the girls.他站在女孩之中。 (3)between 后接三者或三者以上物体时,是把这些物体分别看待,指每两者之间。 如:She takes some medicine between two meals every day.她每天在两餐之间吃药。,1.它仍然在那里而且还成为了这个地方的标志. It is still there and
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