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第六课时“单元写作根据以下原材料,向你的朋友介绍做牛肉三明治的方法,约70词。原材料:ons green onion ,three pieces of beef,twoSpoons of relish ,lettuce,two slices of bread,onetomato,one Spoon of butter食品制作方法的文章,属说明文的一种。写该类文章时要注意以下几点:1. 要介绍清楚需要哪些食材。2, 叙述要有条理, 注意司用 fisfnext theny afterthat,finally 等表示做事情次序的副词,使描述更清晰、了明确有条理。3, 注意正确使用可数和不可数名词。 食材 0ne green Onion, three pieces ofbeef,two spoons of relish , lettuce, twoSices of bread,one tomato,oneteaspoon of butter 包上1. 把黄油抹在一片面包上2,把洋葱和西红柿切碎3, 把切碎的洋葱和西红柿放在面4,把万昔和牛肉片放在面包上S$ 牛肉上撒些佐料6, 把另一片面包盖在上面 Would you like to eat beef sandwiches? Do youknow how to make them? Let me tell you, First, putthe butter on a slice of Dread, Next;y eut ap the greenonion and a tomato,Then, put these on the bread,After that, put the lettuce and the beef slices on thebread, Put the relish on the beef, Finally, put anotherpiece of bread on the top. Thats it! You can enjoy 认DO0W,女How many bananas do we need? 我们需要多少香蕉?女How much yogurt do we need? 我们需要多少酸奶?女What do we do next? 下一步我们做什么?女How do you make baiiania mik Shake? 你如何制作香蕉奶昔?女Lefs make fruit salad, 让我们做水果沙拉吧。妈Peel three bananas and cut them up, 把三个香蕉剥皮,并切碎。友Putin/into撕放入里。友Pour into 把倒入里。女Turn on the blender. 打开搅拌机。妈Cook it for twenty-five minutes. 把它蒸 25 分钟。妈Its time to enjoy 到了享受的时候了。妈It tastes 它党起来
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