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Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?第一课时SeetionA (la一2d ),根据所给提示写单词。1. The school trip was (wonder),We had great fun.2.一Did _ your sister 50 out with8 ?一Yesshe went out with Julie,3,.工took quite af photos at the HappyValley(欢乐谷),4. He stayed at home (大多数) of thetime to_ watch TV,,一Did they find the keys?一Nothey didnt find them a T, 从方框中选择词语,并用其正确形式填空。wonderfu ,Something ,stay, most of ,few 1.Idid interesting ast Sunday, 2.om was 训 and at home yesterday,3.Iwent to New York City last month.WaS 4 The question is SO difficult thatStudenfs Know fthe amnsWer。S. Gina likes reading very much, She spendsher time on reading,下 单项选择。( )1.Ididnt go to BeijingVacation, stayed home, A, for;in BonyatC,. oniin D.in;at ( )2.(2016一2017, 迁安市第一中学月考)一Did you go fishing withyesterday?一Yes,I went with my father【考占 |AR CA 人A, SOmeone B,. anyoneC,no one D. everyone( )3.(2016一2017 .秦皇岛市抚宁区台营学区月考) books areon the desk, You can read one ofthem for fan.【考点 3】A,.A few B. FewC.Alittle D,. Little( )4.一Didyougo ?一Yes,we went to Hong Kong【考点4】A. Somewhere interestingB. anywhere interestingC.interesting SomewhereD. interesting anywhere( )4, the students go0 to schoolby bike【考点 5】A,. Wost 了.SomeC, Few D. Most of
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