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第3课时: Say and act Learn the sounds,Unit2 Can you swim?,Module1 Getting to know you,What can you do? I can _.,fly,What can you do? I can _.,draw,What can you do? I can _.,write,What can you do? I can _.,jump,What can you do? I can _.,run,Look and answer,Who are they?,Theyre Kitty, Supergirl and Superdog.,Watch the cartoon,She can fly. She can swim.,Can Superdog fly too?,Yes, he can.,What can Supergirl do?,I am Kitty Li. Two friends are at todays Super 5how. They are_ and _. Supergirl can_. She can_, _ and _.She is super. Superdog can _. He is super too. I like Supergirl and Superdog.,supergirl,superdog,run,fly,swim,fly,draw,Good evening.,Welcome.,Welcome to . 欢迎来到某地。,Act out the dialogue in groups.,Role play,Make a name card,David Seven years old I can run. I can sing. I can dance. I cant swim.,Learn the sounds,jam,Learn the sounds,hand,Learn the sounds,Pat is my dad. He likes jam. He has a jar in his hand. Hes not sad. The jams not bad.,Learn the sounds,Pat is my dad. He likes jam. He has a jar in his hand. Hes not sad. The jams not bad.,Learn the sounds,dad,jam,hand,发音要点:/是短元音,发音时声带振动。舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起。双唇张开,呈扁平状,比发/e/音时大。上下齿之间可容二指。,Pat,bad,has,sad,Learn the sounds,Read and choose. ( ) 1. name A. plate B. cat ( ) 2. fat A. schoolbag B. classmate ( ) 3. cake A. dad B. skate ( ) 4. rabbit A. fast B. animal,A,A,B,B,Translate. 我不会弹钢琴,但我会唱歌。 _ 2. 你会骑马吗?不,我不会。 _ 3. 我不会游泳,但我会打篮球。 _,I cant play the piano, but I can sing.,Can you ride a horse? No, I cant.,I cant swim, but I can play basketball.,hand,jam,1. 听录音,跟读 Say and act2遍。 2. 预习Unit3 Look and learn。,
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