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全国各地接二连三地发生了多起特大安全事故,造成严重的人员伤亡,特别是北京密云、吉林商厦等特大安全事故,引起了党中央和国务院的高度关注201201学年度第一学期期中自查八年级英语姓名 班级 总得分 【说明】 1.全卷满分为100分。考试用时为80分钟。2答题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目的指定区域内相应位置上;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。3.本卷只设笔试题,听力题由科任教师按中考要求另行组织。一、单项选择(共20分)1. They watch TV _.A .one a week B .once a weekC .one the week D .once week2. _ do you read English books? Twice a day.A .How many B .How muchC .How long D .How often3. Lily usually starts the day _ breakfast.A .with B .fromC .at D .of4. The old man is well because he often _.A .exercises B .drinksC .sleeps D .Play5. The little girl often goes skating _ weekends.A .in B .on C .to D .for6. He usually _ newspapers in the morning.A .reads B .seesC .watches D .looks7. _ do you surf the Internet? Once a week.A .How B .How oldC .How often D .How many times8. Would you like _ some apples? Yes, please.A .to have B .haveC .having D .Has9. What do you think of your teacher? He is very _ in class, but after class he tells jokes and plays with us.A .serious B .calmC .wild D .unny10. I am _ taller than my brother.A .very B .tooC .more D .a little11. I think your story is _ his.A .so interesting asB .as interesting asC .much interesting thanD .less funny than12. Colors can change our moods(情绪) and make us _happy or sad.A .feel B .to feel C .felt D .Feeling13. Of all the teachers, Miss Gao is_, and we are afraid of her.A .serious B .more seriousC .most serious D .the most serious,14. We like the city library. Its _ place in our city.A .quiet B .quieterC .quietest D .the quietest15. Our home is close _ our school.A .to B .of C .on D .about16. Town Cinema _ the most popular and _the best sound.A .is, has B .is, isC .has, has D .has, is17. Tom _ stand the boring lessons. I cant stand them _.A .can, too B .cant, eitherC .doesnt; either D .doesnt; too18. Look! There is a horse racing program on TV now.Hmm. It _ exciting.A .seems B .looks likeC .feels D .seems like19. Most British high school children _ uniforms at school.A .wear B .dressC .put on D .dress up20. She says she wants _ young and beautiful.A .is B .are C .to be D .Am二、完形填空(每小题1分,共计10分) Swimming is very popular in summer. People like swimming in summer because water makes them 21 cool. If you like swimming but swim in a 22 place, it may not be safe. These years, more than ten people 23 while they were enjoying themselves in the water and 24 of them were students. But some people are 25 not careful in swimming. They often think they swim so 26 that nothing can happen to them in water. Summer is here again. If you go swimming in summer, dont forget 27 better swimmers have died in water. They died because they were not careful, not because they 28 swim. So dont get into water when you are alone. 29 there is a No Swimming sign, dont get into water, 30 . If you remember these, swimming will be safer.21.A .felt B .feel C .feeling D .to feel22.A .difficult B .small C .right D .wrong23.A .died B .die C .have died D .will die24.A .much B .most C .lot D .more25.A .yet B .already C .still D .even26.A .fast B .often C .well D .hard27.A .what B .that C .which D .who28.A .couldnt B .wouldnt C .neednt D .mustnt 29.A .Because B .Though C .Whether D .If30.A .either B .nor C .also D .Too三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共计30分)A.根据对话内容,选择最佳答案Joe:What do you do on weekends?David:Well, I usually have to study on Saturdays.Joe:And how about Sundays?David:Well, we have lunch together. You know, all of the members of my family. Then after lunch, I go to the park and meet my friends.Joe:Oh? What do you do there?David:We play football. After that I usually go to see a film outside the city.Joe:Do you often go out of the city?David:About once a month. My uncle has a small farm.Joe:Its nice. Do you go alone?David:No, my mum, my two sisters and some of my friends go there, too.Joe:But why do you go there?David:Many things: green trees, clean air, and there are few people.31.What does David
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