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2016年英语四级考试:10天攻克核心词汇(10)练习一(一)1. oblige A v. To lay out; spend; To use up; consume2. tend B adj. Of the greatest possible size or significance; maximum; Being last in aseries, process, or progression; Fundamental; elemental; n. The greatestextreme; the maximum3. ultimate C vt. To make suitable to or fit for a specific use or situation.4. abundant D vi. To have a tendency; To be disposed or inclined; To move or extend in acertain direction5. adopt E v. To force or drive out; To force to leave; deprive of membership6. adapt F v. To constrain by physical, legal, social, or moral means; To makeindebted or grateful7. excess G v. To take into ones family through legal means and raise as ones ownchild; To take and follow (a course of action, for example) by choice orassent8. expel H v. To increase the size, volume, quantity, or scope of; enlarge; To open(something) up or out; spread out9. expend I n. The state of exceeding what is normal or sufficient10. expand J adj. Occurring in or marked by abundance; plentiful【Key】1. F 2. D 3. B 4. J 5. G 6. C 7. I 8. E 9. A 10. H(二)1. private A vt. To set apart or cut off from others.2. invade B adj. not being burdened by trouble, worry, or care; happy and carefree; be ofoptimism; confident; cocksure3. acknowledge C adj. Left to choice; not compulsory or automatic4. calculate D v. To transgress; violate; To violate a rule or law5. optimistic E vt. To ascertain by computation; reckon6. optional F vt. To obtrude or force (oneself, for example) on another or others.7. impose G v. To intervene or intrude in the affairs of others; meddle; To comebetween so as to be a hindrance or an obstacle8. offend H v. To admit the existence, reality, or truth of; To report the receipt of;To express thanks or gratitude for9. interfere I adj. Of or confined to the individual; personal10. isolate J v. To enter by force in order to conquer or pillage; To encroach orintrude on; violate【Key】1. I 2. J 3. H 4. E 5. B 6. C 7. F 8. D 9. G 10. A(三)1. issue A vi. To stick fast by or as if by suction or glue; To carry out a plan, ascheme, or an operation without deviation2. adequate B vt. To take captive, as by force or craft; seize3. adhere C adj. Producing the desired results; efficacious; Having legal force;effective or binding; Well grounded; just4. capture D v. To make use of selfishly or unethically; To employ to the greatestpossible advantage5. valid E adj. Uninterrupted in time, sequence, substance, or extent6. consistent F adj. Reliable; steady; Being in agreement with itself; coherent anduniform7. continuous G vt. To ascertain the origin, nature, or definitive characteristics of8. exploit H n. The essential point; crux:; A point or matter of discussion, debate,or dispute; The act of circulating, distributing, or publishing by anoffice or official group; A single copy of a periodical9. identify I adj. Barely satisfactory or sufficient;Sufficient to satisfy a requirementor meet a need【Key】1. H 2. I 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. F 7. E 8. D 9. G 练习二1. It does not alter the fact that he was the man for the death of the little girl. (1995.1)A. accounting B. guilty C. responsible D. obliged2. This local newspaper doesnt pay much attention to affairs.A. external B. extra C. outside D. surface3. I dont mind the decision as long as it is not too late.A. your delaying to make B. you delay to makeC. your delaying making D. you to delay making4. What caused the Rome Empire to ?A. lag B. fail C. decade D. decay5. The president made a speech at the opening ceremony of the sports meeting, whichencouraged sportsmen greatly.A. vigorous B. tedious C. flat D. harsh6. The cause of the American Civil War was the bombardment of Fort Sumter.A. ultimate B. senior C. simple D. outer7. There is rainfall in this area.A. abundant B. rare C. a lot D. much8. The old couple decided to a boy and a girl though they had three childen of their own. (1997.6)A. adapt B. bring C. receive D. adopt9. The newcomers found it impossible to themselves to the climate sufficiently to makepermanent homes in the new country. (1998.1)A. suit B. adapt C. regulate D. coordinate10. The police set a to catch the thieves. (1994.1)A. plan B. device C. trap D. trick11. Although they plant trees in this area every year,the tops of some hills are still . (1996.6)A. bare B. vacant C. blank D. hollow12. It is quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and knowledge. (1996.1)A. extensive B. expansive C. intensive D. expensive13. The news came through channels.A. private B. individual C. terminal D. personal14. The scientists are able to accurately when the spaceship will reach the moon.A. count B. guess C. calcu
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