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Unit 1 How can we become good learners? Section B 1a-1e,by watching English programs on TV. by surfing the Internet. by making word cards.,How do you study English?,I study English ,by listening to tapes. by enjoying English songs. by listening to English radios.,by reading English magazines. by reading English newspapers. by reading English textbooks.,by studying with a group. by taking English classes carefully. by asking the teacher for help.,What things are difficult for you in learning English?,I cant I dont ,Challenges 挑战,pronounce increase speed partner,v. 发音 v. 增加;增长 n. 速度 n. 搭档;同伴,New words,cant pronounce some of the words,cant understand spoken English,dont know how to increase my reading speed,cant spell some English words,make mistakes in grammar,Learning English can be difficult. What things are difficult for you? Read the list. Check () the statements that are true for you.,_ I cant pronounce some of the words. v. 发音 _ I cant always understand spoken English. _ I dont know how to increase my reading speed. _ I cant spell some English words. _ I often make mistakes in grammar.,v. 增加;增长,n. 速度,犯错;失误,1I cant pronounce some of the words. pronounce是动词,意为“发音”。 【拓展】 pronunciation是名词, 意为“发音”。,Language Points,2. I cant always understand spoken English. 【解析】 speak(v.说) spoke spoken 【注意】 部分动词的过去分词也可做该词的形容词: spoken 口语的 broken 坏掉的 written 写作的,3. I dont know how to increase my reading speed. (1)【解析】 “疑问词+动词不定式”作宾语 【注意】what to do后不需要跟宾语 how to do后必须跟宾语 【拓展】“疑问词+动词不定式”结构:,4. I often make mistakes in grammar. (1) n. 错误;误会 make mistakes 犯错 make mistakes in 在某方面犯错 by mistake错误地 (2) v. 弄错;误解 mistake for 把误认为,(2)increase既可以用作不及物动词,也可以用作名词, 意为“增长、增加、增大”。 【拓展】 increase by倍数或百分数,表示“增加倍/百分之”; increase to具体的增长后的数字,表示“增加到了”。,What other things are difficult for you? Make a list.,I dont know enough words to write well. _ _ _,Im nervous when I try to speak English.,I read very slowly.,I cant always make complete sentences.,Paul finds it difficult to learn English. Listen and complete the learning challenges he talks about.,He cant get the _ right. He _ a lot of new words. He cant always _ when people talk to him. 4. He doesnt get much _ practice.,Challenges,pronunciation,forgets,understand,writing,Listen again. Complete the solutions.,_ can help. He always _ in his notebook and study them at home. 3. He can _ to practice speaking. 4. He should find a _to practice writing.,Solutions,Listening,write the new words,join an English language club,pen pal,Group Work,Role-play conversations using the information in 1c and 1d.,A: I dont have a partner to practice English with. B: Maybe you should join an English club.,2. Maybe you should join an English club. 【解析】 join/join in/take part in (1) join=be a member of 参加,指加入某种组织,并成为其中的一员。 join the army / party 入伍/党 join the club 加入俱乐部 join in 后接活动名称 join sb. 加入到某个人群之中 (2) take part in 参加,指加入群体活动中并在活动中发挥重要作用。,1I dont have a partner to practice English with. 此句中的a partner作to practice English with的宾语,也可以说 to practice。 English with作a partner的定语,with不能省略。,单项选择 1. Could you please show me _ an e-mail? Sure. Its easy. A. when to send B. to send how C. to send where D. how to send 2. His trouble is that he always makes mistakes _ spelling English words. A. on B. with C. in D. by,D,C,Exercises,3. He reads aloud to practice his _ every morning. A. voice B. sound C. pronounce D. pronunciation 4. She wants to _ an English club to practice speaking English. A. join in B. join C. take part D. take part in 5. There are _ new words in this passage. A. a lot B. lot of C. a lot of D. much,D,B,C,
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