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镇成立由镇委书记孙广东任组长,镇委副书记、镇长任副组长,镇直相关部门主要领导为成员的意识形态工作领导小组,统筹协调全镇意识形态工作Module 4 Home alone模块语法小专题语法精讲状语从句()按照属地管理,分级负责和谁主管谁负责的原则,各级党组织领导班子对本地区、本单位、本部门意识形态工作负主体责任。党组织书记是第一责任人1although引导的让步状语从句although意为“虽然,尽管”,比though更正式。如:Although he is young,he is very clever.他尽管年轻,但很聪明。Although his illness had prevented him from studying,he managed to pass the exam.尽管病情妨碍了他学习,但他还是通过了考试。注意although和but不能同时使用。如:Although no goals were scored,it was an exciting game. No goals were scored,but it was an exciting game.尽管一个球都没进,但那还是一场精彩的球赛。2sothat 引导的结果状语从句sothat意为“如此以至于”,其引导的结果状语从句有如下四种结构:(1)so形容词/副词that从句。如:The village is so small that it cannot be shown in the map.这村子太小,所以这地图上没有显示。The wind was so strong that we could hardly move forward.风刮得那么大,我们简直寸步难行。(2)so形容词a/an单数名词that从句。如:It was so hot a day that they all went swimming.天是那么的热以至于他们都去游泳了。He made so inspiring a speech that everybody got excited.他发表了如此鼓舞人的演讲以至于大家都很激动。(3)somany/few复数名词that从句如:I have had so many falls that I am black and blue all over.我摔了许多跤,以至于浑身青一块,紫一块。He has so few friends that he often feels lonely.他朋友很少,所以经常感到孤独。(4)somuch/little不可数名词that从句如:I had so little money then that I couldnt even afford a used car.我当时囊中羞涩,甚至连一辆二手车都买不起。He drank so much wine last night that he felt terrible.昨晚他喝了那么多的酒,所以觉得很不舒服。【拓展】在由suchthat引导的结果状语从句中,such 是形容词,它修饰的可以是可数名词单数或可数名词复数,也可以是不可数名词。如:It was such a hot day that nobody wanted to do anything.天气如此热,没有人想做事。He had such long arms that he could almost touch the ceiling.他有如此长的手臂,以至于他几乎都能够得着天花板。语法精练.单项选择。(C)1.You study _ hard _ youre sure to pass the exam.Thank you for saying so.Aenough;to Bas;asCso;that Dsuch;that(B)2.He can speak English very well, _ he has learnt it for only three months.Aso BalthoughCbut Dor(D)3.She has made _ many friends _ she enjoys the life there very much.Asuch;as Bsuch;thatCsuch a;that Dso;that(C)4.Xiao Ming is _ a clever boy _ he can work out the maths problem.Aso;that Btoo;toCsuch;that Dtoo;that(D)5.His lively shows were _ hot that tickets sold out in minutes.Avery BtooCsuch Dso.按要求完成句子,每空一词。6He is too weak to carry the chair.(改为同义句)He is so weak that he cant carry the chair.He isnt strong enough to carry the chair.7The little girl was too tired to walk further.(改为同义句)The little girl was so tired that she couldnt walk further.8David was so careless that he didnt find the mistakes in his test paper.(改为简单句)David was too careless to find the mistakes in his test paper.9The boy is so young that he cant look after himself.(改为同义句)The boy is not old enough to look after himself.10It was raining hard outside,but the young man went to work as usual.(改为同义句) Although it was raining hard outside,the young man went to work as usual.
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