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镇成立由镇委书记孙广东任组长,镇委副书记、镇长任副组长,镇直相关部门主要领导为成员的意识形态工作领导小组,统筹协调全镇意识形态工作 Lesson 38 Hobbies Are Fun 一、单项选择1Do you like to play _ chess? I think its interesting.Aa Ban Cthe D/2I am interested _ sports. I often play soccer and I am _ a soccer team.Ain; of Bin; on Cat; in Dat; on3Walking is good exercise. Its fit for all _ whether you are old or young.Amen Bwomen Cages Dchildren4The Old Town of Lijiang is _ with tourists for its beautiful old buildings.Apopular Bfamous Cspecial Ddifferent5Playing baseball makes Lindas life _ colourful.Amuch Bmany Cmore Dlittle6I bought _ for my mother on Mothers Day this year.Aspecial anything Banything special Cspecial something Dsomething special7Not only I but also my parents _ looking forward to seeing you! We cant wait.Aam Bare Cwere8The sofa is so large that it _ half of the room area.Atakes up Bpicks up Cturns up Dputs up9Could you teach me_ English?Alearn Blearning Cto learn Dlearned10What were you doing _ I knocked at the door?I was sleeping.Aunless Bonce Cwhen Dwhile二、按要求完成句子11Hobbies can help you to work well with others. (改为一般疑问句)_ hobbies _ you to work well with others?12There are many people buying things on Double 11.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ many people buying things on Double 11?13Charlie is so young that he cant take the underground alone. (改为简单句)Charlie is _ _ to take the underground alone.14The boy often thinks of good ideas. (对画线部分提问)_ _ the boy often _ of?15Not only my mother but also my father likes the TV program Avenue of Stars. (改为同义句) _ my mother _ my father _ the TV program Avenue of Stars.三、根据汉语意思完成句子16他们以多彩的生活而出名。They are famous _ their _ life.17你想和我交朋友吗?Would you like to _ _ _ me?18我有很多不同种类的爱好。I have many _ _ _ hobbies.19强壮的身体有助于你充满信心。A strong body helps you _ _ _ _. 20我们应该积极参加课外活动。We should take an active part in _ _.四、根据短文内容,补全文中单词或用所给单词的正确形式填空Every year, I can receive many _21 (postcard) from my friends. They come from different p_22 of China, even from foreign countries. They are beautiful. I have a _23 (collect) of them. I think its a good hobby. In my f_24 time, I take them out and enjoy them. Its fun _25 (have) a hobby. Its also useful. Do you have one?五、补全对话(Jane and Lin Tao are talking about classical(古典的) music, pop music and the Beijing Opera.)Lin Tao:I really love classical music._26Jane:What about pop music? Do you like it?Lin Tao:Yes, but not so much as classical music.Jane:Well, Im interested in pop music. I like it very much.Lin Tao:_27Jane:Yes, certainly.Lin Tao:_28Jane:Only a little, but it doesnt matter whether I understand the words or not. _29Lin Tao:How about the Beijing Opera? Do you like it, too?Jane:_30Lin Tao:Really? I dont like it at all. Im afraid Ill fall asleep if I listen to it. Its much too slow.ADo you like Chinese pop music, too?BI just enjoy listening to it.CYes, I do. Its very beautiful.DIts so wonderful that I listen to it every day.EBut do you understand it?答 案一、1.D2.B3.C4.A5.C6.D7.B8.A9.C10.C二、11.Can; help12.Are there13.too young14What does; think15.Both; and; like三、16.for;colorful/colourful17make friends with18different kinds of19be full of confidence20outdoor activities四、21.postcards22.places23.collection24.free 25to have五、26.D27.A28.E29.B30.C按照属地管理,分级负责和谁主管谁负责的原则,各级党组织领导班子对本地区、本单位、本部门意识形态工作负主体责任。党组织书记是第一责任人
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