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华中科技大学 博士学位论文 合并型多校区大学融合过程中的管理研究以武汉理工大学 为典型案例 姓名:张安富 申请学位级别:博士 专业:高等教育学 指导教师:沈红 20041013 IV 摘 要 在 20 世纪 90 年代末随着我国市场经济体制改革的不断深入及政府职能的转 变高等教育管理体制改革以共建调整合作合并为八字方针为指导 以调整合并为主要途径迈出了重大的改革步伐1996 年至 2001 年间共有 385 所高校合并组建为 164 所高校净减 221 所 1 这场席卷大江南北的高校合并潮引起了社会各界广泛的关注和争论特别是 2000 年前后一批巨型多校区大学的相继诞生在高教界产生了强烈的震撼这些 年来高教理论界和许多从事高校管理的工作者就高校合并融合与管理问题发表 了许多研究论文为合并高校的融合与发展提供了有价值的理论指导也为推进高 校管理体制改革提供了良好的舆论环境但总体来说对我国合并高校深层次问题 的研究缺乏应有的深度广度和系统性 本论文以武汉理工大学为典型案例就合并高校融合中的管理问题进行了比较 全面系统的理论分析和实证研究通过广泛搜集相关文献和资料借鉴和吸收这 一研究领域的有关成果和观点结合案例进行了理论与实践的研究力求把握我国 世纪之交合并高校融合中产生矛盾内外在原因和管理的不适应性深入思考合并高 校实质性融合过程中的多校区管理及成效评价等重要问题在此基础上融入作者的 分析判断观点和建议力图形成比较系统化的研究成果 论文共分七章 第一章为绪论简要阐述本论文选题的缘由研究思路和方法综述现有的理 论研究成果以及不同观点之间的论争对与本论文研究相关的概念作了辨识为后 续章节的论述作必要的铺垫 第二章比较系统地阐述高校合并的背景特点动机以及历史进展现状和分 类为本论文的展开和深入研究提供明晰的直观的历史性和现实性的认识辨证 地分析了高校合并的喜与忧 第三章以武汉理工大学为典型案例综述该校合并融合与管理的成就比较 1 http:/www.edu.cn/20010906/3000403.shtml V 合并前后发生的变化评述融合进程中的经验和问题为全文的论述和观点的提出 提供比较翔实的信息 第四章将合并高校融合的进程分为三个层级即表层融合中层融合和深层融 合论述了融合三个层级之间揭示出影响融合的关键因素 第五章从管理的视角阐释促进融合的理念与策略强调发展是融合的基础和保 证以特色创优势以发展促融合以融合求发展在发展中逐步解决融合的问题 作者认为重构合并型多校区大学的新质文化加强合并型多校区大学非正式组织群 体的引导与管理等是促进融合的重要的管理策略 第六章是论述合并型多校区大学的管理变革与管理模式包括管理变革的理论 依据现实依据思想观念结构要素以及管理模式基于合并型多校区大学应因 校制宜管理模式多元化的思想提出了有限理性决策数字化校园管理事 业部制组织机构模式和学院制管理模式等新的见解 第七章从教育经济学的视角对合并型多校区大学管理的有效性进行理论辨析 阐述了制约合并高校管理有效性评价的因素和困难鉴于此采用定性的方法通 过对合并型多校区大学办学的效益效能以及三对经济关系的分析来初步判断管 理的有效性并提出融合有效性的理论模型和判据 第五至第七章是全文的重点 关键词合并高校多校区管理模式融合 VI Abstract In the late 1990s, higher education management system has made great progress with the gradual development of Chinas Market Economics System and transformation of governments functions. Directed by “Eight-word Policy”-“co-construction, adjustment, co-operation, combination” and in the way of “ adjustment, combination”, three hundred and eight-five colleges are combined into 164 colleges, decreasing 122 clear from 1996 to 2001. The kind of widespread college combination has grasped wide-ranging notice and argument in all walks of life. Especially after 2000, a number of large multi-campus universities have mushroomed, which really gives a big shock to the field of higher education. During these years, many pursuers in the fields of higher education and university management have published so many research papers on university combination, amalgamation and management, which offers development and amalgamation of university combination valuable theoretical instruction and provides good opinions to the further development of university management system. But, on the whole, these researches of thoroughgoing problems on Chinas university combination lack intrinsic depth, breadth and system. The paper takes Wuhan University of Technology as a typical example and does more complete, systematic, theoretic and factual research. I collect relative works and material widely, absorb and draw lessons from related achievements and ideas in this field, take proper examples and do theoretical and practical research in order to master inner and outer reasons and incompatibility of management in the course of university combination between 20th century and 21st century. Then, I think over many problems, such as multi-campus management and effect evaluation, during the course of university combination and amalgamation and try my best to achieve more systematical research achievements and merge my own analyses, appraisals, viewpoints and suggestions based on the above point. The paper is divided into 7 chapters: Chapter 1 is Introduction, illustrating the reasons, research way and methods about the topic, summarizing theoretical research achievements and different arguments available, identifying definitions related to the topics and make necessary preparations for the later arguments. In Chapter 2, I illustrate the background characteristic, motivation, historical development, circumstance and classifications of university combination, which provides VII clear perspective, historical and realistic recognition to the later topics and further research. At the same time, I analyze positive and negative features of university combination dialectally. In Chapter 3, I take Wuhan University of Technology as a typical example, illustrate its achievements of combination, amalgamation and management, compare the change before combination and after combination and analyze the experience and problems during the course of university amalgamation. This chapter can provide enough information to the presentation of the whole treatise and standpoints. In Chapter 4, the development of university combination and amalgamation can be divided into three classifications: surface amalgamation, middle amalgamation and inner amalgamation. I analyze the relationship among these three classifications and announce the key factors of university amalgamation. In Chapter 5, I explain the concepts and tactics of university amalgamation in the view of management and emphasize that development is the basis and security of amalgamation, characteristic creates advantage, development furthers a
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