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,Unit 12,Its Christmas/krsms / again!,又是圣诞节!,Christmas is coming!,When is Christmas?,Christmas day falls on 25 December. It is a festival in the West.,圣诞节的由来 The word“Christmas”is a combination of the words“ Christ”and“Mass”。“Christmas”这个词是“基督”和“弥撒” 的缩写,弥撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式。 耶诞节是一个宗教节日, 世人把它当作耶稣的诞辰来庆祝, 因而又名耶诞节。这一天,世界所有的基督教会都举行特別 的礼拜仪式。但是有很多圣诞节的欢庆活动和宗教并无半点 关联。又有人说耶稣诞生是在夏末秋初,并非圣诞之日。然 而,圣诞节究竟是否耶稣诞辰之日对于现代人来说已经不那 么重要,它就像我们的春节一样,大家相聚一堂,交换礼物, 寄圣诞卡,吃火鸡大餐,圣诞节是一个普天同庆的日子。,Christmas/krsms/ tree圣诞树,Christmas card 圣诞贺卡,Present/preznt / 礼物,Celebrate/selbret / 庆祝,receive/rsi:v / 收到,decorate/dekret / 装饰,People send Chritsmas cards to their friends. 人们送圣诞卡片给他们的朋友。,Santa/snt /Claus/kl:z /,Christmas/ krsms / father,圣诞老人,greet/gri:t /,问候,Merry/meri / Christmas,to you,祝你圣诞快乐,Santa Claus gives out presents to children. 圣诞老人分发礼物给孩子们。,colourful/klfl / light/lat /彩灯,decorate Christmas trees with colourful lights and balls. 用彩灯和彩球来装饰圣诞树。,dress/dres / up 装扮;穿上盛装,dress up like Santa Claus 装扮成圣诞老人,New words,Christmas/krsms / greet/gri:t /问候 decorate/dekret /装饰 Christmas/krsms/ tree圣诞树 colourful/klfl /light/lat /彩灯 present/preznt /礼物 dress/dres / up 装扮;穿上盛装 Santa/snt /Claus/kl:z /圣诞老人 receive/rsi:v /收到 Merry/meri / Christmas圣诞快乐,Christmas,decorate,card,Santa Claus,tree,present,Christmas decorate card present Santa claus tree,Magic Eyes火眼金睛,What present can you see?,What present do you want?,I want a/some _.,computer,robot/rbt /,toy plane,sweets,scarf,hat,football,hamburger,Here is present for you. Here is a computer for you .,一,Read A quickly, then answer questions:,When is the Christmas Day?,Christmas falls on 25th December.,Christmas day falls on 25 December. People put up a Christmas tree in their home.,在,放置,They put presents for family and friends under the Christmas tree.,礼物,Its Christmas again! I cant wait to open my present.,You can open it on Christmas day.,又,等待,1 Which day is Christmas Day? A:It falls on 25th of December B:It falls on 24th of December 2 People _ a Christams tree in their home. A:放置 B:拾起 3 Where do People put present for their family and friends? A: on the Christmas tree. B: under the Christmas tree.,Santa Claus or Father Christmas will go to each house. He leaves Presents for the children in their Stockings.,长筒袜,1 Who is Father Christmas?,2 What will the Santa Claus do ?,3 Santa claus leaves presents for the children in their _ A: school bags B: stockings,Santa claus.,He will go to each house.,People send Christmas cards to their friends to wish them a “Merry Christmas”.,1 How do People wish each other?,2 On Christmas, you should say _ to others.,Send cards to their friends.,Merry Christmas!,People buy a lot of things for Christmas. in big shopping centers, Father Christmas gives gifts to children.,What present do you want?,I want a computer,I want a bike.,I want a robot.,Watch A carefully, then finish part C:,1 When do People celebrate Christmas? 2 What does Father Christmas do in the shopping centre at this time of the year? What does Father Christmas do at Christmas? Who is Father Christmas?,Let learn,Homework,1 熟读A部分。 2 抄写单词4遍,中文一遍 。 3 准备好一份圣诞小礼物。,Thank you!,
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