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一年来,虽然作了一些工作,但与上级要求和职工期望还有较大差距,现根据民主生活会的要求,结合本次民主生活批评与自我批评这一主题Module 2 Unit2 Cambridge is a beautiful city in the east of England.课型Reading and writing【学习目标】(1)能读懂和理解文章主旨大意,并能找到相关信息。(2)用所学语言简单介绍自己的家乡。【学习重点和难点】会运用形容词的比较级描述自己的家乡【学习方法】小组合作、交流讨论【Learning process】Preview 1. Look at the map of the England and read these sentences.(Activity 1)1) Cambridge is in the east of England.2) London is in the south of England.3) Bristol is in the west of England.4) Manchester is in the north of England.2. Make a dialogue about the directionsLook at the pictures and make dialogues about the cities on the map.Cooperative learning【Pre-reading】1.Read the passage and think abou the questions:1)Where did you go in summer holidays?2)Where is it?What is it famous for?2. A guessing game:Look and choose a title for each picture.(Activity 2)1) Tower Bridge and the River Thames in London2) Cambridge University and the River Cam【While-reading】1. Skimming:Read and match the topics with the paragraphs.Para.1 ( A ) London Para.2 ( B ) England Para.3 ( C ) weather Para.4 ( D ) Cambridge2. Scanning:Read Para.1 and Para.2. Fill in the blanks.(Activity 3)CambridgeLondonLocation (位置)PopulationFamous placesRiver3. Complete the passage with the words and expression in the box.(Activity 4)England is part of a(n) (1) _. It is famous for its beautiful green (2) _ with (3) _and lakes in the north, and hills and villages in the south. My (4) _ is Cambridge, in the (5) _ of England. It has lots of old buildings and churches, and a well-known (6) _. It is smaller than (7) _, which is in the (8) _ of England.【Post-reading】1. Answer the questions and write notes about your home town.(Activity 5)1) Where is it?2) Whats its population?3) Is it big or small? 4) What is it famous for?5) How old is it?6) What is the weather like? 2. Give possible answers.3. Use your notes and write answers to the questions in Activities 5.(Activity 6) Dalian is in the northeast of China.It has a population of over six million. 4. Give possible answers.5. Write a passage called My home town .Use Tonys passage to help you.【Summary】I study, and I summarize.Write about the comparative adjectives short _ thin _ early _ hot _ fine _ fat _ cool _ big _【Classroom consolidation】Writing: My favourite city地理位置中国东北部人口六百多万特产海产品气候冬暖夏凉著名景点老虎滩海洋公园 (Laohutan Ocean Park)棒棰岛 (Bangchui Island)大连现代博物馆 (Dalian Modern Museum)My favourite city_【Homework】1 Fill in the blanks.1. Beijing is in the _(北方) of China.2. Mike was born in the _(西部) of England in 1992.3. There are more than one thousand _ (大学) in China.4. Yesterday my mother bought two _ (雨伞).5. China has thousands of _(岛屿).二.Complete the sentences.1. Hong Kong is hot. Shanghai is hotter. (用比较级把两个句子合并成一句) Shanghai _ than Hong Kong.2.The population of Shanghai is 13 million.( 就划线部分提问) _3. 大连约有三百五十万人口。 Dalian _ _ _ _ about 3.5million.4. 这条河长达五十公里。 This river is 50 _ _ .5. 香港位于中国的南部。 Hong Kong is _ _ _ _ China.三Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the table.countryside, especially, south, low, area1. Many birds will fly to the _ when winter comes. 2. This kind of silk is nicer, but its price is _.3. I love Guangzhou, _ in the spring. 4. Lindas grandparents live in the _. They dont like the life in the city.5. I dont live in this _, but I know it very well. 四sentence pattern transformation1. They always enjoy the books in the bookshop. (改为否定句)They _ _ the books in the bookshop.2. My home town is a 500-year-old city. (改为同义句)My home town is a city _ _ _ _.3. My town is a city on the Changjiang River. It has a population of over ten million. (合并为一句)My town is a city on the Changjiang River _ _ _ _ over ten million.4. The population of the city is about seven million. (对划线部分提问)_ _ the population of the city?5. It is really hot today. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ _
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