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要深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,尤其要学深悟透习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想“四川篇”Unit 1 Tales of the unexplainedSectionWelcome to the unit & Reading一、阅读词汇检测阅读下列句子,写出黑体词的含义1.Many kinds of fishes are disappearing because of the serious pollution.I assume that it is only one of the reasons.含义:答案:消失;认为2.You are not enthusiastic about the idea.I think it is not practical.含义:答案:热情的3.The world we live in is full of unexplained things.Yes,nature is a mystery.含义:答案:无法解释的;神秘的人或事4.Eskimos believe that every living creature has a spirit.含义:答案:生物5.The man was set free because there was no evidence against him.含义:答案:证据6.An airliner crashed,killing all the people aboard.含义:答案:在(轮船、飞机、火车等)上;上(轮船、飞机、火车等)二、写作词汇检测根据提示词,完成或者翻译句子1.The plane crashed,killing 200 people(在飞机上).答案:aboard2.It is (认为)that most drivers obey speed limits.答案:assumed3.The boy watched the plane until it (消失)from view.答案:disappeared4.Will you act as a (证人)to the agreement between us?答案:witness5.Do you have enough (证据)to prove that he is wrong?答案:evidence6.She couldnt forget the (事件)from her memory.答案:incident7.There was a burst of (笑声)in the next room.答案:laughter8.Most of the people present agreed to the (建造)of the new airport.答案:construction9.警方正在调查那起谋杀案。答案:The police are looking into the case of murder.10.汤姆在上班的路上目睹了那场事故。答案:Tom witnessed the accident on his way to work.三、用方框中所给短语的正确形式填空occur totake charge ofmake upshow upstep updue tolook intoin casein search ofunder construction1.The accident was careless driving.答案:due to2.A working party has been set up to the problem.答案:look into3.We had agreed to meet at the gym,but Larry didnt .答案:show up4.I think its unkind of you to stories about him.答案:make up5.The police went into the forest the escaped prisoner.答案:in search of6.David the family business when his father died.答案:took charge of7.It me that the man was lying.答案:occurred to8.The manager is taking measures to the sales of his goods.答案:step up9.Take your keys I am out when you come back.答案:in case10.Our new teaching building is still .答案:under construction四、单句语法填空1.Do you believe in (explain)things such as UFOs and Yetis?答案:unexplained2.Justins sister,Kelly, (age)nine,says she heard her brother return home at about 11 p.m.答案:aged3.I went to bed,and was (wake)up around midnight by a bright light outside my window.答案:woken4.I (not see)Justin since.答案:havent seen5.Kelly then ran and (wake)up her mother.答案:woke 6. (luck),they escaped without any injuries.答案:Luckily7.Is there any (possible)that he will be dismissed?答案:possibility8.We will not give up we find out happened.答案:until;what五、用合适的介、副词填空1.This incident has received great interest due reports of strange lights in the sky and of alien visits the time the boy disappeared.答案:to;around2.I didnt see him,but I heard him put his favourite CD.答案:on3.I pulled the curtains and saw a large spaceship flying outside.答案:back4.Mr Foster was working that night his road construction job,and was not home when these events occurred.答案:on5.When Justin did not show for lunch the next day,Mrs Foster became worried and told her husband to call the police.答案:up6.The aliens took me the UFO so that they could do research me.答案:aboard;on7.Sometimes people make such amazing stories.Theres really no hard evidence that aliens took him from his home.答案:up;away8.While we have not dismissed the idea,we are looking other possibilities as well.答案:into六、单句改错1.They stepped out their search for an eight-year-old boy who was missing.答案:out up2.The boy shows great interested in school work.答案:interested interest3.When he did not show up at the family lunch next day,she became worried.答案:next 前加上the4.He went straightly into his own room,his face quite calm.答案:straightly straight5.Can you take the charge of this class please,Miss Jones?答案:去掉the 6.The gun showed evidences of recent use.答案:evidences evidence7.Lucky I could get two tickets for the show.答案:Lucky Luckily七、阅读理解A导学号93160001Do you enjoy visiting a museum?Did you ever make a plan before a visit?Every museum must have something that attracts you.And there are many possible ways to enjoy yourself in a museum.If you follow these steps below,youll know what is worth seeing and doing,so that you can make the most of your time at the museum.Decide what museum you will visit.There are so many different kinds of museums and you first need to find one that you like.Its easy for you to choose one and start an enjoyable visit!Do some research
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