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Unit4 My dayTask【学习目标】1. 能表达对学校活动的喜爱程度。2. 运用本单元所学知识写一篇文章,介绍自己对学校活动的喜欢程度。【自主学习】1、根据情景和所给首字母,在空格内填入一个适当的词,使文章意思完整。来源:gkstk.ComStudents in our school h a good time every day. We do morning e every day, because they are g for us and they help us g r_ for the day.Teachers are nice t us, and the subjects are f_. We l_ a lot about the world. I like p_ tennis. There are many m_ between Sunshine Middle School and our school every year. We love our school!。自学情况反馈(家长签字) 【质疑拓展】1. They are good for us. 译:_【解析】be good for - 对有益, 有好处(后跟名词或代词)be bad for - 对有害, 有坏处【练习】 1) 运动对我们有益。Sports _ _ _us. 2) 做眼保健操对你的眼睛有益。 Doing _ exercises _ _ _ your _.3) 看电视太晚对睡眠有害。 Watching TV too late _ _ _ _.2. They help us get ready for the day. 【解析】 get ready for sth.-为某事做准备(强调动作过程) be ready for sth. -为某事做好了准备(强调结果)【练习】 1)我哥哥正在为运动会做准备。My brother is _ _ _ the sports meeting.【解析】help sb. do sth. - 帮助某人做某事【练习】 1)我哥哥正在帮我学习英语。My brother is _ _ _ English.3. I can learn a lot about the world. 【解析】learn about- 学会(了解)了有关的知识learn - 学习,学会(强调结果) study - 学习(强调过程)【练习】1)让我们学一些有关中国历史方面的知识吧。_ _ some _ Chinese _.4. We always have too much homework. 【解析】too much - 太多的(修饰不可数名词) too many - 太多的(修饰可数名词复数)【练习】1) 你不能吃太多的肉。You _eat _ _ meat. 2) 周末超市里的人太多了。There _ _ _ people in the supermarket _ _. Questions_ _来源:gkstk.Com【演练展示】 练习问答问题: Why does she like morning exercises?Why does she love all her lessons?Why does she dislike basketball?Why does she love reading?Why does she like drawing?Why does she dislike homework?【当堂检测】1.他想更多的了解北京。来源:学优高考网gkstkHe _ to _ _ _ _ Beijing. 2.眼保健操对我们的眼睛有益。 Eye exercises _ _ _ our eyes. 3.我希望你们能来观看这次比赛。 I _ you _ come and _ the _. 4.我们总是有太多的回家作业。 We always have _ _ _.来源:gkstk.Com 5.你们学校多久举行一次篮球比赛?几乎不举行。 _ _ does your school have a basketball match? _ 【评价反馈】来源:学优高考网个人得分小组得分自我评价(目标达成情况或记录还未掌握的内容)【课后作业】1、翻译下列短语1.对我们有好处_ _ 2.为做好准备_ _ 3.太多的家庭作业_ _4.学到许多关于的知识_ 234
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