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淮安市南陈集中学七年级英语教学案7B Unit 7 Reading1日期: 5.26 班级: 姓名: 组别: 评价: 【学习目标】1、学会使用本课所学新词汇。2、能熟读课文,了解文章大意,快速寻找具体细节。3、了解用火安全以及发生危险时的自救及求救方法。【学习重难点】初步了解课文大意,读懂课文导 学 过 程师生活动(教师备课,学生课堂记录)【自主学习】 要养成阅读、思考的好习惯哦重点短语: 快来试一试,将下列短语英汉互译。1.帮某人出去 2.a brave young man 3.救某人的生命 4.at that moment 5.扑灭大火 6.call for help 7.冲进去 8.join us 9.从中救出 10.from next door 【课中交流】 爱动脑筋让你变得更聪明! Task1:根据课文内容,回答下列问题:(1) Did Lin Tao go out on 10 May?_来源:gkstk.Com (2) Was there a lot of smoke?_ (3) How did Lin Tao protect himself ?_ (4) Did the fire burn Lin Tao?_ (5) Was Lin Tao afraid at that moment?来源:gkstk.Com_Task2: 二人一组,完成下列提纲 A brave young manName Age Time 来源:学优高考网gkstkWhat did he hear?What did he see?How did he help Mrs Sun out?What did he say?来源:学优高考网1 【目标检测】 有目标才能成功! 根据括号内的中文提示写出单词: 1. How _ (勇敢) the girl is! She helped an old man in a traffic accident. 2. The doctor tried to _(挽救) the babys life. 3. The _ (毯子) is made of wool. It feels comfortable. 来源:学优高考网gkstk 4. Dont play with the _ (火)! Its too dangerous! 5. How many _ (腿) does a chair have? 二Fill in the blanks.On 10th May, Lin Tao_(be) at home alone. Suddenly he _(hear) someone shouting “Fire! Fire!” He _( run) outside and _(see) a lot of smoke from next door. He _(go) in and _( find) Mrs Sun couldnt get out because she _( hurt) her let badly. He quickly ran to Mrs Suns bathroom and _( pour) water over his clothes. Then he _( rush) into the kitchen to save her. At last, Lin Tao _( put ) out the fire with a wet blanket and _( help) Mrs Sun out. The fire _( burn) Lin Taos arms , neck and face. He _( be) in hospital for two weeks.【拓展延伸】【课后巩固】 学而时习之!【课后反思】二次批阅评价 (等第) 时间: 年 月 日
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