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7A Unit 1 This is me,Grammar,Revision,1.我叫Millie。 2.我12岁 3.这是Sandy。 4.她的头发很长。 5. Daniel来自南京。 6. 他擅长数学。,1.我喜爱阅读。 2.放学后我经常踢足球。 3.Sandy喜爱音乐。 4.她留着一头长发。,Im Millie.,I am 12.,This is Sandy.,Her hair is very long.,Daniel is from Nanjing.,He is good at Maths.,I love reading.,I often play football after school.,Sandy likes music.,She has long hair.,Be,Verb.,Simple present tense(一般现在时),When we talk about things that are true now. e.g. 1.He is 13 this year. 2. He is in Suzhou now. When we talk about things that we do regularly. e.g. I often play football after school. When we talk about things that are always true. e.g. He is from Nanjing. Cats like fish.,当我们讨论目前是真实的事情。,当我们讨论我们经常做的事情时。,当我们讨论事实永远成立时即客观真理。,About me,I am an English teacher. Im from Xuzhou. My name is Zhang Lu. My hobbies are swimming and reading.,am,is,are,能与不同的主语(subjects)连用,am,I,I am “我是”,我是一个女生。,I am a girl.,I am tall.,我是高的。,=Im,=Im a girl.,=Im tall.,Activity 3: Look and say,is,He,She,It,He is a boy.,She is a girl.,It is a dog.,他是一个男生。,她是一个女生。,它是一只小狗。,He is=Hes,She is=Shes,It is=Its,Hes,Shes,Its,are,You,They,You are a boy. You are boys.,We,We are friends.,你是一个男生。 你们是男生。,They are classmates.,他们是同班同学。,我们是朋友。,Youre,Were,Theyre,You are= Youre,We are= Were,They are= Theyre,与普通名词连用,(1)单数名词 + is (2)复数名词 + are,The students _very happy.,are,The teacher _tall and slim.,is,am, is, are 与不同主语连用口诀,我用am 你用are is用于他,她,它, 单数is 复数are,I am a boy. You are smart. She is beautiful. He is a student. It is short. The apple is red. Footballs are round.,用“be”的正确形式填空 1.I _ a tall girl. 2. You_ Lily, right? 3.She _ my twin sister. 4.We _ good friends. 5.Millie and Sandy _ good students. 6.The girls _ from America.,am,are,is,are,are,are,Activity 4: Finish the exercises,Lets play a game,our parents,Lucys cat,VS,VS,Activity 5:,am,is,are,I am not a doctor.,We are in the classroom.,I am a teacher.,We are not in the park.,be动词的否定句,主语 + be + not+ others,am,is,are,not,=,am not,is not isnt,are not arent,Activity 6: Change into negative sentences,+,将下列句子改为否定句 This is a box. Im a student. They are my classmates.,This a box.,is not/ isnt,I _a student.,They my classmates.,are not/ arent,am not,变否定,很容易,be后not莫忘记。,be动词的疑问句以及回答方式,He is a teacher.,be动词提句首,Is he a teacher?,They are classmates.,be动词提句首,Are they classmates?,肯定:Yes, he is.,否定:No, he isnt.,肯定:Yes, they are.,否定:No, they arent.,在一般疑问句的肯定回答中不能用缩写形式,Activity 7: Change into question sentences,Fill in the blanks 1. It is a reading room. _ it a reading room? Yes, it _. 2. They are classmates. _ they classmates? No, they _. 3. Eddie is Hobos master. _ Eddie Hobos master? No, it _.,变疑问,be提前,句末问号莫丢弃。,Is,is,Are,arent,Is,isnt,我用am,你用are,is用于他,她,它;单数is,复数are。 变否定,很容易,be后not莫忘记。 变疑问,be提前,句末问号莫丢弃。 否定疑问任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。,Be动词用法口诀,Activity 8: Make a conclusion,A. Help Millie complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verb to be.,1. My name is Millie. I _ 12 years old. 2. Hello, _ you Simon? 3. They _ my classmates. We _ in Grade 7. 4. Look, Sandy _ over there. 5. Mr Wu _ our English teacher. 6. _ our school nice, boys and girls?,am,are,are,are,is,is,Is,Exercise,B. Millie is talking to her new friends. Complete their conversation with the correct forms of the verb to be.,Millie: Hi, Sandy. Our school _ big. Sandy: Yes, it _. The classrooms _ big too. Simon: Our teachers _ nice. Mr Wu _ a good teacher. Sandy: _ he our Chinese teacher? Millie: No, he _. He _ our English teacher. Simon: _ you good at English, Sandy? Sandy: No, I _.,is,is,are,are,is,Is,is not / isnt,is,Are,am not,Exercise,
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