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第五课时 Section B (2a3b),Unit 3 Is this your pencil?,in the school library 在学校图书馆里 in 在这里是方位介词,意为“在里”。 如:in the classroom 在教室里 Ask the teacher for it.去老师那里拿。 ask动词,意为“请求,要求,询问”。 ask. for.意为“向某人索取某物,向某人要某物”。,some意为“一些”,后面既可接可数名词,也可接不可数名词。接可数名词时,可数名词必须用复数形式。 email sb. at电子邮件地址 发电子邮件给某人到,find 动词,意为“找到,发现”。 lose动词,意为“遗失,丢失”。(其过去式为lost) 【注意】当某人丢失物品时,可用Lost的形式贴出公告,即“寻物启事”;而当有人拾到他人物品时,可用Found的形式贴出公告,即“招领启事”。,call 动词,意为“打电话;称呼”。call sb. 意为“给某人打电话”,“call sb. at电话号码”,意为“拨打找某人”。 must 情态动词,意为“必须”,后必须接动词原形。 a set of keys 一串钥匙,一、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。 your, ask, name, lose, key 1_ the teacher for your keys. 2Bob _ his school ID card. 3Is this watch _ ? 4I have a set of _ 5His brothers _ is David.,Ask,lost,yours,keys,name,二、根据汉语意思完成句子。 6请拨打4953839找汤姆。 Please _ Tom _ 4953839. 7陈洁现在在学校图书馆。 Chen Jie is _ _ _ _ now. 8我的电话号码是4963636,请打给我。 My _ _ is 4963636.Please _ _,call,at,in the school library,telephone/phone number,call me,9那是一串钥匙。 Thats _ _ _ _ 10我丢失了一些书,我必须找到它们。 I lost _ _,I _ find them.,a set of keys,some books,must,三、阅读下面两则“失物”与“招领”启事,回答下列问题。 Lost: I lost my school ID card. The card number is 428668. My name is Mike. Please call me at 6856036. Found: A watch is in the classroom.It is a red watch.Is it yours?Email Cindy Brown at cindy163.com.,( )11.Who lost the school ID card? ACindy. BMike. CBrown. ( )12.Whats the card number? A428668. b6856036. C163.com. ( )13.What color is the watch? ABrown. BWhite. CRed.,B,A,C,( )14.Whats Cindys last name? AMike. BCindy. CBrown. ( )15.Is that Cindys watch? AYes,it is. BNo,it isnt. CI dont know.,C,B,
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