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7年级(上),学练优英语教学课件,冀教版,学练优七年级英语上(JJ) 教学课件,Unit 6,Lets go!,Lesson 34: On the Farm,tiger,Revision,lions,Lead-in,They are elephants.,What are they?,Lead-in,cow,Where can you find them?,sheep,goat,duck,Lead-in,We can find them on the farm.,Lead-in,预习自测,看一看,你做对了多少?,I. 根据句意和首字母提示完成句子。 1.Li Ming likes to f_ the animals on the farm. 2.The c_is far from the city. 3.Look! Danny is running on the playground. He runs q_! 4.The farmers(农民) are p_the fruit now. 5.The cat is very cute and f_.,II .根据课文,翻译以下句子。 1. 这农场真漂亮!而且离市区如此远。 2. 郊外如此好看和安静。 3. 我喜欢喂动物,摘菜和水果。,ountryside,eed,uickly,icking,riendly,Lead-in,feed,friendly,countryside,pick,郊外;乡村,喂;喂养,采摘;选择,友好的;友爱的,New Words,Lead-in,1. 在农场 2. 离远 3. 喜欢做某事 4. 喂养动物 5. 来吧!加油! 6. 害怕的 7. 友好的 8. 别担心!,1. on the farm 2. be far from 3. like to do sth. 4. feed the animals 5. Come on! 6. be afraid 7. be friendly 8. Dont worry!,New Phrases,Presentation,Li Ming is visiting his uncles farm. His friend, Jack, is with him.,Text Reading Part A,Jack: Wow, Li Ming! This farm is beautiful! And its so far from the city. Li Ming: I love the farm! The countryside is so nice and quiet.,Presentation,Text Reading Part A,Jack: What do you like to do here? Li Ming: I like to feed the animals snd pick vegetables and fruit. Come on! Lets feed the animals! Jack: Im afraid.Are the animals friendly? Li Ming: Dont worry! The animals are very nice.Come on! We can feed the cows. Jack:OK!,Presentation,(Li Ming and Jack are feeding the cows.) Li Ming: You are doing a good job,Jack! The cows like you. Jack:Thanks! They are eating very quickly. Li Ming: This is my favourite cow. Her name is Niuniu. Jack: Hello, Niuniu. Are you hungry? Niuniu: Moo Jack: She is answering me. This is fun!,Text Reading Part B,Presentation,1. Whose farm do the boys visit? Is the farm close to or far from the city? 2. Why does Li Ming love the farm? 3. What animals do the boys feed? 4.What is the name of Li Mings favourite cow?,Li Mings uncles farm. Its far from the city.,Because he thinks the countryside is nice and quiet.,They feed the cows.,Its name is Niuniu.,Reading Task,Presentation,Language points,Presentation,1. on a farm 在农场 in a tree 在树上 e.g. There are two kites in the tree. 树上有两个风筝。 on a tree (长)在树上 e.g. The leaves on the tree are yellow now. 现在树上的叶子黄了。,Presentation,2.This farm is beautiful! And its so far from the city. 这个农场很漂亮!而且它远离城市。 be far from离远 eg: My home is far from the school. 我的家离学校远。 be close to离近,Presentation,3. Come on! 快(点)!/来(吧)! 常用于祈使句,在不同的语境中,意思不一样。既可用于催促、请求、鼓励、戏说等,又可表示责备或不耐烦,也可用于体育竞赛等场合鼓励队员,意为“加油”。 eg: Come on! Lets feed the animals. 快!我们去喂动物。 Come on. Its getting dark. 快点,天要黑了。 “Come on!”, shouted the students again and again. “加油!”同学们一次又一次地喊。,Presentation,4.I like to feed the animals. 我喜欢喂动物。 feed意为“喂养,饲养”。 eg:Dont feed the animals at the zoo. 别在动物园里喂动物。 5. Dont worry. 不要担心。 6. Im afraid. 我害怕。,Presentation,1. It lives in the forest. It eats meat. It looks like a big cat. Its a t_. 2. It lives in China. Its black and white. It eats bamboo. Its a p_. 3. It lives in the tree. It eats bananas. It has a long tail. Its a m_. 4. It eats carrots. It has two long ears. Its very beautiful. Its a r_.,iger,anda,onkey,abbit,Practice,一、猜动物,Practice,二、根据提示完成句子 1. Her home _ _(离远) the school! 2. I don t want to go to the farm, and I _ _(害怕)of the animals! _ _!(不要担心) They are very nice! 3. Xiao Mei is _ (喂养) the rabbit now. 4. Students in this school _ _(friend) to us. 5. The teacher is a good_(工作).,is far from,am afraid,Dont worry,feeding,are friendly,job,Practice,Summary,Key words: pick, feed, countryside, friendly, quickly Key points: 1) fish,sheep等单词的复数形式 2) 现在进行时的复习 3) 能够谈论自己喜爱的动物,Summary,Homework,Talk about your favourite animal. Draw a picture and write about your favourite animal.,Homework,
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