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8B Unit 8 词组1. Will more trees be planted this year? 今年会种更多的树?2. Trees are good for us. 树对我们有益。3. I like digging in the garden. 我喜欢在花园里挖土。4. care about the Earth 关注地球5. be busy discussing th Earths problems 忙于讨论地球的问题6. Reduce air pollution by riding bicycles. 通过骑自行车减少空气污染7. save water by taking shorter showers 通过少洗一会儿澡来节约水8. save energy by turning off the lights 通过关灯节约能源9. protect the environment by recycling waste 通过循环利用废料来保护环境10. What should we do to live a green life? 为了过上环保的生活我们该做什么呢?11. used to drive me to school 过去开车送我去学校12. take the underground to. 乘地铁去.13. cause serious air pollution 导致严重的空气污染 来源:学优高考网gkstk14. Its wise for people to choose public transport or ride bicycles. 对人们来说选择坐公交或骑车是明智的。15. a country with high mountains and clean blue lakes 一个拥有高山和清澈湛蓝湖水的国家16. try to keep it that way 努力保持它的原貌17. be separated into different groups 被分成不同的组18. Even old clothes and shoes can be recycled. 甚至旧衣服旧鞋业也能被循环利用。19. an organization for recycling clothes 一个循环利用衣服的组织20. be sold in charity shops 在慈善商店出售21. be given to the poor 被给予贫困的人22. be sent to factories for recycling 被送到工厂进行循环利用23. collect clothes from all over the country 收集来自全国各地的衣服24. have many laws to protect the environment 制定许多保护环境的法律25. be not allowed to cut down trees 不允许砍树 26. will be punished 将被惩罚27. drop litter in a public place 在公开场合丢垃圾28. be fined by the police 被警察罚款29. laws to limit air and water pollution 限制空气和水污染的法律30. our greatest treasure 我们最大的宝藏31. depend on its rich resources to live 依靠它丰富的资源而活32. use energy from the sun 利用太阳能33. cost very little 花费很少 34. run out = be used up (sth)用光35. produce little pollution 几乎不产生污染 36. World Environment Day 世界环境日 37. What have you done for the environment? 你已为环境做了什么?38 do something to make a difference 采取措施发挥作用39. allow sb to do sth 允许某人去做某事40. Sb be allowed to do sth 某人被允许去做某事41. When is the show going to be held? 什么时候将举办展览?42. What will be displayed at the show? 展览上将会陈列什么?43. What will be discussed at the show? 展览上将会讨论什么?44. one of the biggest problems 最大的问题之一45. throw rubbish into. 把垃圾扔进46. act to improve the environment 行动起来改善环境47. we will have a chance to think about the world around us我们将有机会思考周围的世界48. make the world a better place 把世界变成一个更美好的地方49. Posters will be designed by Sandy. 海报将被sandy设计50. Leaflets will be sent to all the people in the town. 传单将被送给镇上的人们51. Videos about the past and present of Sunshine Town will be displayed.关于阳光镇过去和现在的录像将被展示 52. ways about how to protect the environment will be discussed关于怎样保护环境的方法将被讨论53. As well as people,Animals are harmed by pollution 和人类一样,动物也被污染危害。54. turn off the tap when brushing teeth 刷牙时关上水龙头55. take showers for less than ten minutes 洗澡少于十分钟56. recycle empty bottles 循环利用空瓶子57. do a lot to help protect the environment 做很多事来帮着保护环境 58. use both sides of the paper 使用纸的两边59. take their own bags to the supermarket 带他们自己的包去超市60. look nicer with more trees around 周围有很多树看起来更美61. be harmful to our health=do harm to our health=harm our health 对我们的健康有害 62. keep soil in place 保持水土63. provide home for animals 为动物提供家64. coal ,oil and natural gas are not only useful for families, but also have a wider use for factories 煤、石油和天然气不仅对家庭有用, 还对工厂有更广泛的用途 65. some natural resources 一些自然资源66. They will be formed over thousands or millions of years. 它们几千年甚至上万年才能被形成67. If they are used or thrown away carelessly 如果它们被粗心地使用或丢掉68. be dug up from the ground 从地下挖掘上来69. try to produce less waste, reuse or recycle things if possible 如可能尽力少生产废物,重新利用或回收利用东西70. change for the worse 向更糟糕变化71. We should also reuse water if possible 如果可能的话我们也应该重新使用水。 72. turn off the power 关掉电源 73. be in use 投入使用 来源:学优高考网gkstk74. it is time for us to go green. 该我们保护环境的时候75. we should separate waste into different groups so that it can be recycled 我们应该将废物分为不同的类别以便能被回收76. Recycling is also a good way to help reduce
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