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第40课时 Unit6 Grammar()学习目标-1. 学会运用unless引导的条件状语从句 2. 了解一些重要词汇的用法活动方案Activity I 请同学们认真阅读课本P85-86页的内容,自学Grammar(B)内容。Task1.找出下列复合句中的从句和引导词1)You will get lost easily unless you read the map carefully.2)You will not feel comfortable unless you sleep well.3)You will miss the train unless you arrive on time.Task2. Finish the exercises on Page 86.Activity II请同学们谈谈从Grammar中你学到了什么?Activity Pair WorkTask1. 教师创设情境, 学生在小组中进行开放性对话来源:学优高考网 I will go fishing unless _ I will watch TV unless _ You will be late for school unless _Task2. 让学生用”if-not”对上面的句子进行转换,加深对unless的理解。Task3.教师讲解unless从句表示假设的用法You will be late for school unless you leave now. =You will be late for school if you do not leave now. =Unless you leave now, you will be late for school. =If you do not leave now, you will be late for school. unless意为_,引导条件状语从句,相当于_ _。 unless或ifnot 从句可以放在主句 或 。 unless从句用_时,主句用一般将来时。 Unless you start right now, you will be late for the meeting.(改为同义句) _ _ _检测反馈翻译句子1.除非你努力,否则你不会通过考试。_2.除非他不来,否则我不能和你去看电影。_来源:gkstk.Com【巩固提升】 I. 按照例句,改写下列句子。来源:学优高考网gkstkEg: You will fail the exam if you dont work hard. = You will fail the exam unless you work hard.= If you dont work hard, you will fail the exam. = Unless you work hard, you will fail the exam. 1)Unless you obey the rules, you will be punished. =_. =_. =_.2) A fish dies if you dont keep it in the water.来源:gkstk.Com =_=_=_.3) No body can learn English well, if he doesnt work hard on it. =_.=_.=_.用if 或unless 填空。1. You will not improve your skill in a short time _you practice playing the violin regularly.2. _you dont work hard, you will fail the exam.3. He cant be here on time _he gets up early.4. _you dont have enough sleep, you will feel tired.5. _you finish your homework, you will not go out to play.默写下列课文中的句子。1.除非明天下雨,否则我们会去公园踢足球。 _来源:学优高考网2.如果明天不下雨,我们会去公园踢足球。 _3.除非你尽自己最大的努力,否则你就不会实现自己的梦想。 _4.除非交通非常拥堵,否则我们大约在上午9:30到达影视工作室。 _5.除非你已经非常了解影视工作室,否则你将会在导游在带领下四处游览。 _
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