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第47课时 Unit7 Grammar(II)学习目标 1.能够掌握并且能够运用sothat和suchthat谈论做某事的结果。2.能够掌握并且能够运用so that谈论做某事的目的。活动方案Activity I 请同学们认真预习课本100页内容,了解so that 用法。 1.so that意思是_,引导一个表示目的的状语从句,可与 in order that 换用;从句谓语中常用情态动词 may/might, can/could, should, would 等;主从句 间连接紧凑,没有逗号相隔。 如: I spend more time learning English every day so that I can make greater progress this year. =I spend more time learning English every day_ _ _I can make greater progress this year. 2.so that意思是_,引导一个表示结果的状语从句,不能与 in order that 换用;主从句间可有逗号相隔。 如:She had not planned her time well, so that she did not finish her homework on time.Activity II 几个常见句型的汉语意思1.tooto其汉语意思:后接动词的形式:2 notenough to do 其汉语意思:后接动词的形式: 检测反馈1.完成课本P99连接句子和课本P100完成对话来源:gkstk.Com来源:gkstk.Com2. 找出课文中的下列句子a.赫本表演得非常好,一些人把她误认为真正的公主。b.赫本将她生命中的最后几年都花在了与联合国儿童基金会的密切工作中,以便帮助世界不同地区的贫困儿童。c.你打算把中国功夫介绍给你的英国朋友们吗?【巩固提升】 来源:学优高考网gkstkI、根据句意,填入恰当的疑问词1.Drivers should_(停车)their cars in the right place,or they will be fined.2.The local clubs are making every_(努力)to interest more young people.3.By striking in the evening _ _(交通高峰期), they killed at least 17 people and injured over 130.4.I want to sit in the first_(排)5.Many students are_(大为惊奇)by Mikes invention.II、将下列句子改为同义句1. We set out early we can arrive on time. We set out early_ _ _we can arrive on time.2. Tom is very hard-working and he can get good marks in the test. Tom is _ _ hard-working boy _ he can get good marks in the test. 3. Dr Ma is too tired to do any operations today. Dr Ma is _ tired _ he _ do any operations today.4. The man was too poor to afford a new pair of shoes. The man was _ poor _ he didnt have _ _ _ buy a new pair of shoes.来源:学优高考网5. Tom is such a good boy that he often donates money to charities. Tom is so _ _ boy that he often donates money to charities. 来源:学优高考网gkstk
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