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候选清单更新了13 种高关注度物质 Candidate List updated with thirteen new Substances of Very High Concer 欧洲化学品管理局(ECHA)新增了13 种高关注度物质(SVHCs) 。所有列入的物质被归类为致癌、致基因突 变或生殖毒性。 ECHA has added thirteen new Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs) to the Candidate List. All substances included are classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction. 芬兰时间2012-06-18 四种高关注度物质,是由于它们含有超过浓度极限的致癌成分,被归类为致癌物。候选 清单中新增的五种高关注度物质,是在公众咨询期间经过详细审查和成员国委员会一致协议下通过。其它八种 物质,在公众咨询时没有收到评论,被直接列入了候选清单。 Helsinki, 18 June 2012 - Four have been identified as SVHCs under the precondition that they contain certain carcinogenic constituents above the concentration limit for classifying these substances as carcinogenic. Five of the new SVHCs have been included in the Candidate List following a scrutiny of the comments received during the public consultation and the unanimous agreement of the Member State Committee (MSC). The further eight substances, which did not receive comments challenging the identification as SVHCs during public consultation, were directly added to the Candidate List. 候选清单的更新还包括,合并了2010 年4 月被列入清单的硅酸铝耐火陶瓷纤维(Al-RCF)和2011 年12 月被列 入清单的锆硅酸铝耐火陶瓷纤维(ZrAl-RCF) 。较新的硅酸铝耐火陶瓷纤维Al-RCF 和锆硅酸铝耐火陶瓷纤维 ZrAl-RCF 完全覆盖了早期的Al-RCF 和ZrAl-RCF,因此从2011 年12 月开始可以合并条款。目前有一条硅酸 铝耐火陶瓷纤维(Al-RCF) 和一条锆硅酸铝耐火陶瓷纤维(ZrAl-RCF)。威远检测技术集团 Cynthia Fu 付小姐, 13530730021,QQ:88456166, 0755-28287097 The update of the Candidate List also comprises a consolidation of the entries of aluminosilicate refractory ceramic fibres (Al-RCF) and zirconia aluminosilicate refractory ceramic fibres (ZrAl-RCF) included in the List in January 2010 and December 2011. The scope of the more recent Al-RCF and ZrAl-RCF entries fully covers the earlier ones, which therefore could be consolidated in the entries from December 2011. There is now one entry for Al-RCF and one for ZrAl-RCF. 制造商和进口商,当生产或进口的物品含有候选清单上13 种物质时,自2012 年6 月18 日起有六个月的时间, 从今天起至2012 年12 月17 日止向ECHA 通报,当具有下列两种条件时需要申请通报:(1)当物品中的物 质的总量超过1 吨/年每制造商或进口商时;(2)当物品中的物质浓度超过0.1%时。如果物质已经注册或不暴 露出来可以不需要通报。 Producers and importers of articles containing any of the 13 substances included in the Candidate List by 18 June 2012 have six months from today to notify ECHA by 17 December 2012, if both of the following conditions apply: (1) the substance is present in those articles in quantities totalling over one tonne per producer or importer per year and (2) the substance is present in those articles above a concentration of 0.1% weight by weight. There are exemptions from the notification obligation if the substance is already registered for the use or when exposure can be excluded. 目前为止候选清单含有84 种物质。 REACH 预见, 将采取进一步的程序来决定物质是否被归到授权清单 (REACH 法规附录14)。 The Candidate List now contains 84 substances. As foreseen by REACH, a specific procedure will be followed to decide whether the substances should also be included in the List of Substances Subject to Authorisation (Annex XIV of the REACH Regulation). 物质列表如下Substances list are as follows 序号 名称 Substance name EC number CAS number Potential uses * 1 三甘醇二甲醚(TEGDME ) 1,2-bis(2-methoxyethoxy)ethane (TEGDME; triglyme) 203-977-3 112-49-2 主要用作溶剂和化学品生产助剂。其次用于汽 车发动机的刹车油和维修。Mainly used as a solvent or as a processing aid in the manufacture and formulation of industrial chemicals. Minor use in brake fluids and repair of motor vehicles. 2 1,2-二甲氧基乙烷; (EGDME) 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME) 203-794-9 110-71-4 主要用于化学品生产中的溶剂和加工助剂,包 括锂电池中用作电解液。Mainly used as a solvent or as a processing aid in the manufacture and formulation of industrial chemicals, including use as an electrolyte solvent in lithium batteries. 3 三氧化二硼Diboron trioxide 215-125-8 1303-86-2 大量用于玻璃,玻璃纤维,釉料,陶瓷,阻燃 剂,催化剂,切削液,冶金,胶黏剂,油墨, 显影剂,洗涤剂,农药和杀虫剂。Used in a multitude of applications, e.g., in glass and glass fibres, frits, ceramics, flame retardants, catalysts, industrial fluids, metallurgy, adhesives, inks/paints, film developers solutions, detergents and cleaners, biocides and insecticides. 威远检测技术集团 Cynthia Fu 付小姐,13530730021, QQ:88456166, 0755-28287097 4 甲酰胺 200-842-0 75-12-7 主要用于中间体。其次用作溶剂,反应剂(在 制药中)和实验室化学品。进一步作为增塑剂 用于农药 Formamide 行业。Mainly used as an intermediate. Minor uses as solvent, as reagent chemical (in the pharmaceutical industry) and as laboratory chemical. The substance seems further to be used in the agrochemical industry and as a plasticiser. 5 甲基磺酸铅Lead(II) bis(methanesulfonate) 401-750-5 17570-76-2 主要用于电子元器件(如印刷电路板)的电镀 过程(电解质的和无电镀的)。Mainly used in plating (both electrolytic and electroless) processes for electronic components (such as printed circuit boards). 6 1,3,5-三缩水甘油-S-三嗪三酮;异氰尿酸 三缩水甘油酯TGIC (1,3,5-tris(oxiranylmethyl)-1,3,5-triazin e-2,4,6(1H,3H,5H)-trione) 219-514-3 2451-62-9 主要用于树脂和涂层的硬化剂;也用于印刷电 路板的油墨中,电绝缘材料,树脂模具,丝印 涂层,模具,粘合剂,里衬材料和塑料稳定剂。 Mainly used as a hardener in resins and coatings; also used in inks for the printed circuit board industry, electrical insulation material, resin moulding systems, laminated sheeting, silk screen printing coatings, tools, adhesives, lining materials an
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