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同时应当为侨商归国工作、创业和生活提供更加便捷、适宜的环境,使得侨商归国后能够安心并专心于事业发展,提高海外高层次人才回国创新创业的热情Unit 11 The Media There are different types of media today.News and entertainment are communicated to us in a number of different ways,using different media.It may be print media such as newspapers and magazines,or electronic media such as radio and television.The word “media” is most often used to refer to the communication of news,and in this context it means the same as news media.Programs on the radio and television may be referred to formally as broadcasts or informally as shows,especially in American English.The person who presents a program or a show on the radio or TV is a host or hostess but the one who hosts a popular music program is called a disc jockey or DJ.News programs may be hosted by an anchor,either a man or a woman,who is sometimes more famous than the person in the news.In more traditional news programs,the news is read by a newsreader.There are many broadcasting organizations in a country and competition among them is serious.Most TV and radio networks want to increase the size of their audience,or their ratings.Good ratings are especially important during prime time,the time of a day when most people watch TV.This is not surprising as high audience figures attract more advertising or commercials to be shown in commercial breaks between programs.And the broadcasting organization that can attract most advertising makes most money.Notes1context n环境;背景2anchor n新闻节目主播3rating n收视率TaskAnswer the questions:1What does a host or hostess do?He or she presents a program or a show on the radio or TV.2Whats the meaning of prime time?The time of a day when most people watch TV.3What can attract more advertising or commercials?High audience figures/Good ratings.Period OneWarmup & Lesson 1World News.单词检测1media n大众传播媒介,传媒2chat n闲谈,聊天3quiz n问答比赛(游戏),小测验4affair n事情,事件5nation n国家;民族national adj.国家的;民族的6political adj.政治的politics n政治7widespread adj.广泛的8electricity n电electrical adj.电的9reform n改革,改良10demand vt.要求,请求11debt n债务,欠债12belief n信仰;信心;信任believe vt.相信13painful adj.令人痛苦的,引起疼痛的pain n疼痛,痛苦14host n主办(国/城市/机构);主人;vt.主办15announce vt.宣布,宣告announcement n通知;宣告,通告16application n申请(书);应用apply v申请;请求17delighted adj.高兴的,愉快的18incident n事件,事情19evidence n证明,证据20explanation n解释,说明explain v解释21explode vt.爆炸explosion n爆炸.短语检测1stand for是意思,代表;支持2react to对作出反应3be made up of由组成/构成4in detail详细地5be of great concern极为关注6prevent sb.from doing阻止某人做7look forward to期待8be responsible for对负责1It is going to be remembered as a historical meeting this year,as the topic of Africa will be discussed in detail.今年的会议将会作为一个历史性的会议留在人们的记忆中,因为非洲问题将是本届会议详细讨论的问题。2They want the leaders to cancel the debt of Africas poorest countries so that the problems there can be prevented from getting any worse.他们希望这些国家的领导人取消非洲最贫穷国家的债务,以使那些国家的问题不再恶化。3Their belief is that this is the only way for many of these nations to escape their painful pasts.人们坚信,这是使许多非洲国家摆脱过去痛苦的唯一途径。4Londons name had been announced twice before,in 1908 and 1948,so it now has the distinction of being the first city to host the event three times.伦敦这一名字在1908年和1948年都曾被宣布过,所以它获得了第一个三次主办奥运会的城市的殊荣。.课文阅读理解1Which of the following statements about G8 is NOT true?AG8 stands for the Group of Eight.BIt was formed by eight of the worlds wealthiest nations in 1998.CThey meet every summer to discuss world major problems.DChina is a member of G8.答案D2Why is this years meeting of G8 unusual?ABecause the topic of Africa will be discussed in detail.BBecause widespread poverty in Africa will be discussed in detail.CBecause the Group of Eight will be reformed this year.DBecause G8 has decided to cancel the debt of Africa.答案A3Which city is the host city for the 2012 Olympic Games?ABeijing. BAthens.CLondon. DSydney.答案C4Why was the news historically important to London?ABecause the news is being celebrated by crowds in London streets.BBecause Prince William said he was delighted that the Olympic Games would be held in London.CBecause London will benefit a lot from the Olympic Games.DBecause now London has the distinction of being the first city to host the Olympic Games three times.答案D5Which city is Londons strongest competitor in hosting the 2012 Olympic Games?AMoscow. BParis.CNew York. DMadrid.答案B.课文语法填空The 1.political(politics) leaders from eight of the worlds 2.wealthiest(wealthy) nations will meet in Scotland this summer.They will discuss the topic of Africa 3.in detail.There are many problems for African people 4.to solve(solve),such as 5.poverty(poor), sex education and health care.People from all over the world have demanded that the leaders should cancel the debt of Africas poorest countrie
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