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Unit 5,Section A Period 1 (1a-2d),Talk about past events 讲述过去发生的事情 Tell a story 讲故事 Questions and statements with the past progressive tense 运用过去进行时提问和叙述,How is the weather today? What kind of weather do you like? Why?,Enjoy a song, Rainy Day.,Do you like rainy day? What do you like to do when it is raining?,I was taking a shower.,What were you doing when the rainstorm came?,I was sleeping.,What were you doing when the rainstorm came?,I was cooking.,What were you doing when the rainstorm came?,I was cutting hair.,What were you doing when the rainstorm came?,Where were you when the rainstorm came?,in the library,Where were you when the rainstorm came?,on the street,Where were you when the rainstorm came?,in my house,Where were you when the rainstorm came?,at the bus stop,1a,Where were the people at the time of the rainstorm? Match the statements with the people in the picture.,1. _ I was in the library. 2. _ I was in my house. 3. _ I was on the street. 4. _ I was at the bus stop.,b,a,d,c,What were people doing yesterday at the time of the rainstorm?,do my homework,I was ,What were people doing yesterday at the time of the rainstorm?,play basketball,He was ,What were people doing yesterday at the time of the rainstorm?,go to work,She was ,What were people doing yesterday at the time of the rainstorm?,walk home,They were ,Listen to the TV report and circle the correct responses.,1b,a. doing my homework / studying. b. playing basketball / reading. c. going to work / waiting for the bus. d. walking home / shopping.,1c,Talk about what the people in 1a were doing at the time of the rainstorm.,A: What was the girl doing at the time of the rainstorm? B: She was ,He / She was ,He / She was ,2a,Look at the pictures in and describe each one.,Where was the boy? What was he doing?,2a,Listen and number the pictures 1-5.,4, 1, 5, 3, 2,2b,Listen again. Fill in the blanks in the sentences in 2a.,I _ so busy _ for the umbrella that I didnt see a car coming. My alarm didnt go off so I _ up late.,was,looking,woke,I took a hot shower and _ some warm food. I _ for the bus when it began to rain heavily. I _ to the bus stop but I still missed the bus.,ate,was waiting,ran,1. The boy didnt wake up until seven thirty because his alarm didnt work. 2. He arrived at school at eight. 3. He still didnt catch the bus although he ran to the bus stop. 4. While he was waiting for the bus, it suddenly started to rain heavily. 5. While he was busy looking for the umbrella in his schoolbag, a car came and got water all over him.,Listen again and do true or false.,T,F,T,T,T,2c,Use the information in 2a to retell the story in a conversation between the boy and a TV reporter.,2d,Role-play the conversation.,What was Linda doing at seven? What was Linda doing at eight? What was Linda doing at nine?,Pair work,Work in pairs. Make a conversation to describe each picture. What time was it? Where was he / she? What was he / she doing?,Make a survey report about what your father / mother / grandpa / grandma / classmate / did yesterday.,Survey,rainstorm n. alarm n. go off begin v. heavily adv. suddenly adv. pick up strange adj.,暴风雨 闹钟 (闹钟)发出响声 开始 在很大程度上;大量地 突然;忽然 接电话 奇特的;奇怪的,New Words,Language points,1. My alarm didnt go off so I woke up late.,go off 发出响声,(闹钟)闹响 ,离开 The alarm went off just now. 刚才警钟响了。 A few minutes later the bomb went off. 炸弹几分钟后爆炸。,I was late today because my alarm clock didnt _. A. run off B. go off C. give out D. give up How I wish could sleep longer! However, I had to get up as soon as the alarm clock _. A. ran off B. went off C. took off,go over 复习 go away 离开 go by (时间)过去 go for a walk 出去散步 go fishing/shopping/skating/swimming 去钓鱼/去买东西/去溜冰/去游泳,链 接,(2016齐齐哈尔)Its time for class, but the bell didnt _. A. go on B. go off C. go through 【解析】go on 发生,进行;go off 发出响声;go through 通过,用完,检查。根据句意“上课的时间到了,但铃声没有响”;go off 发出响声。故选B。,heavily adv. 沉重地;沉闷地;猛烈地 He sat down heavily. 他重重地坐了下来。 It was snowing heavily. 天正在下大雪。 形容雨、雪下得大用 heavily / hard;形容风大常用 strong / hard。,2. began to rain heavily.,(2016鄂州)-It rained _ and lasted for a long time -Thats terrible. Even some streets were full of water. A. hardly B. strongly C. heavily D. lightly 【解析】hardly几乎不;strongly强有力地;heavily 沉重地;lightly轻轻地;根据答语Even some streets were full of water推测:雨下得很大;故选C。,Sometimes it often rains _ in my hometown in summer. (2015呼和浩特) A. heavy B. hardly C. heavily D. strongly,3. I called at seven and you didnt pick up.,pick up 接电话 Tom, I called you, but you didnt pick up. 汤姆,我给你打电话了,可是你没接。,pick up 捡起;拾起 I pick up a wallet on my way home. 我在回家的路上捡到一个钱包。 pick up (开车)接某人 I will pick you up at the station. 我会到车站接你。 pick up 学到;获得 She soon picked up French when she went to live in France. 她到法国居住后很快就学会了法语。,The workers in the Huashan Mountains have to _ rubbish to keep the mountains clean. A. turn up B. pick
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