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重点查处在特色产业扶贫项目及资金安排上优亲厚友,在项目检查验收过程中不严格按程序和要求办事、搞吃拿卡要,在项目资金管理使用上搞侵占挪 Unit 2Poems一、单词写 得 准用 得 活(用所给词的适当形式填空)1.load n负担;负荷物2.convey vt. 传达;运送3.concrete adj. 具体的4.scholarship n. 奖学金;学问5.tease vi.&vt. 取笑;招惹;戏弄6.branch n. 枝条;支流;部门7.eventually adv. 最后;终于8.appropriate adj. 适当的;正当的9.exchange n. 交换;交流;互换vt.&vi. 调换;交换10.sponsor n. 赞助人;主办者;倡议者vt. 发起;举办;倡议11.flexible adj.灵活(可弯曲)的;柔顺的flexibly adv.灵活(易曲/柔软)地12.transform v转化;转换;改造;变换transformation n转化;转换;变换13.sorrow n悲伤;悲痛;懊悔sorrowful adj.悲伤的;悲痛的14.translation n翻译;译文translate v翻译translator n译员;翻译家15.darkness n黑暗dark adj.黑暗的16.endless adj.无穷的;无止境的end n&v.终止;结束ending n结尾;结局1.As a matter of fact, employees expect to work flexibly (flexible) in the workplace.2.So long as the youth in, I cannot be sorrowful (sorrow), even though the dark night invades the world, the sun also may come back.3.The two young people eventually (eventual) got married after having been friends for several years.4.In order to bring advanced theories from foreign countries, he decided to be a translator and has translated hundreds of books from English into Chinese so far. His translation of some great works is popular among teachers.(translate)5.It was dark in the room and we couldnt see much at first, but after a few minutes our eyes got used to the darkness.(dark)6.How did the story end?Just like most romantic stories, it had a happy ending. The prince killed the monster and saved the princess in the end and they lived happily ever after.(end)1.以ship为后缀的高频名词一览scholarship奖学金friendship 友谊leadership 领导地位relationship 关系hardship 苦难membership 成员资格championship 冠军头衔2.“取笑与愚弄”面面观tease取笑;戏弄laugh at 嘲笑make fun of 取笑make a fool of 愚弄play a trick on 捉弄play jokes on 戏弄3.后缀ness高频名词荟萃darkness黑暗sickness 疾病loneliness 孤独happiness 快乐sadness 悲伤kindness 善良二、短语写 得 准用 得 活(选用左栏短语填空)1.stay_up熬夜2.try_out 测试;试验3.let_out 发出;放走;泄露4.hold_on 坚持;忍受5.make_sense 有意义;讲得通6.in_particular 尤其;特别7.take_it_easy 轻松;不紧张;从容8.run_out_of 用完;用光9.be_made_up_of 由构成10.be_popular_with 受到欢迎1.Youve been working hard for the past week.You must take_it_easy and relax over the weekend. 2.Do remember not to let_out the news.Its between you and me.3.The film which is starred by Fan Bingbing is_popular_with the young.4.He has to stay_up late to prepare for the important examination.5.This passage just didnt make_sense to me, no matter how I read it.1.“v.out”搭配的短语集锦let out发出;放走;泄露leave out 省去;遗漏;不考虑bring out 阐明;使显示;出版make out理解;辨认出pick out 挑出;辨认出figure out 想出;理解2.“用完”短语多棱镜run out of用完(及物)run out 用完(不及物)use up 用完(及物)三、句式背 原 句明 句 式学 仿 写1.There are various reasons why people write poetry.人们写诗有各种各样的原因。why引导定语从句修饰先行词reasons。那就是他昨天没有参加我的生日聚会的原因。That_is_the_reason_why he didnt come to my birthday party yesterday.2.Should the traveller return, this stone would utter speech.行人归来石应语。虚拟语气中省略if的倒装句式。我真想知道假如李白有一天读了这首诗,他会作何评价。I really wonder should_Li_Bai_read this poem some day, what he_would_remark3.With so many different forms of poetry to choose from, students may eventually want to write poems of their own.有了这么多可供选择的诗歌类型,学生们最终也许想写自己的诗了。“With .to choose from”属于“with宾语宾补”结构。有一个重要的会议要参加,我不能在家照顾生病的母亲。With_an_important_meeting_to_attend,_I cant take care of my sick mother at home.Conveying love with poemsA young boy fell in love with a beautiful young girl, but he was afraid that he might be teased by others. Thats the reason why he wrote poems to let out his love to the girl. He believed that the girl would marry him one day only if he didnt give up. What he needed to do was just to take it easy and write loads of love poems.1convey vt.传达;表达;运送;传导;传播convey .to sb.向某人表达/传递/传达convey . from A to B 把从A地运到B地convey ones feelings/meaning/sorrow .for . 对表达某人的感情/意思/难过The message conveyed (convey) here is clear:“Actions speak louder than words.”(2013江苏高考书面表达)这里传达的信息很清楚,就是“事实胜于雄辩”。In this letter, I would like to convey my sincere appreciation to you for your help.在这封信中,对于您的帮助我想向您表达衷心的感谢。Your luggage will be conveyed from the airport to your hotel. 你的行李将会被从机场运送到宾馆。2load n负担;负荷物(尤指沉重的) v装载;加重;把弹药装入(枪炮)(1)take a load off ones mind打消某人的顾虑loads ofa load of 大量的;许多的(2)load up 装载/载满货物load .with . 用装载;使负担load .into/onto . 把装入(到);使负担Even though I have loads/a_load_of schoolwork to do, Ill spend some free time having sports so that I can keep fit and energetic.尽管我有许多作业要做,可是我还会用一些业余时间锻炼以便我能保持健康和有精力。Some students complain that they are loaded with too much homework.一些学生抱怨说他们的作业太多了。The good news has taken a load off my mind.这个好消息打消了我的顾虑。名师指津“loads of/a load oflots of/a lot of”既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词
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