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重点查处在特色产业扶贫项目及资金安排上优亲厚友,在项目检查验收过程中不严格按程序和要求办事、搞吃拿卡要,在项目资金管理使用上搞侵占挪 Unit 3Inventors and inventions一、单词写 得 准用 得 活(用所给词的适当形式填空)1.passive adj.被动的;消极的;被动语态的2.seize vt. 抓住;捉住;夺3.bear vt. 忍受忍耐负担4.associate vt.联想(系) n同(伙)伴association n联系5.distinguish v显示的差别;使有所不同;辨别distinguished adj.著名的;卓越的6.merciful adj.宽大(仁慈)的;慈悲的merciless adj.残忍的;无情的mercy n宽恕;仁慈7.convenient adj.便利(方便/就近)的convenience n方便;便利conveniently adv.便利地8.caution n小心;谨慎cautious adj.小心的;谨慎的cautiously adv.小心地;谨慎地9.competence n能力;胜任;本领competent adj.能胜任的;称职的;有能力的10.abrupt adj.突然的;意外的abruptly adv.突然地11.practical adj.实际(践/用)的practice n实践;练习impractical adj.不明智(现实)的12.expectation n预料;期待(望)expect v预料;期待;期望;认为13.innocent adj.清白的;天真的;无罪的innocence n天真;清白14.recognition n认出;认可;承认recognize vt.认出;识别;承认15.freezing adj.冰冻的;严寒的freeze v冰冻frozen adj.冻结的16.occasionally adv.偶然地;不时地occasional adj.偶然的occasion n时机;机会;场合1.He took measures to make up his fault, which received our recognition (recognize)2.Your suggestion sounds reasonable and practical (practice). I think it deserves to be discussed at the next meeting.3.When the ice is heated above freezing (freeze) point, it begins to change into a liquid state.4.If nobody can prove your innocence,_how can you say you are innocent? (innocent)5.He is a cautious man and is always doing things with caution. You should get on with him cautiously.(caution)6.You can visit Professor Li when it is convenient,_that is, at his convenience. His house is conveniently_near the bus stop. (convenient)7.In western countries, the number “thirteen” is usually associated with bad luck, but actually there isnt any association between them. (associate)8.The merciless king showed no mercy and killed all the prisoners. (merciful)1.后缀ive形容词集锦active主动的passive 被动的positive 积极的negative 消极的subjective 主观的expensive 昂贵的2.表示“抓住”的相关词语一览seize vt.抓住;捉住catch vt. 抓住;接住grasp vt. 抓住;掌握catch hold of 抓住get hold of 抓住3.含fore前缀的单词面面观forehead n额头forearm n. 前臂forecast vt. 预报foresee vt. 预见foreword n. 前言foretell v. 预言;预示二、短语写 得 准用 得 活(选用左栏短语填空)1.call_up给打电话;使想起2.now_and_then_ 偶尔;有时3.set_about_ 开始;着手4.dive_into 一心投入5.set_out_(to_do) 开始(做)6.hang_on 不挂断;稍等;紧紧握住7.out_of_order 次序颠倒;发生故障8.get_through 打通电话;通过;度过9.ring_back 回复电话10.ring_off 挂断电话1.The engines of the ship were out_of_order_and the bad weather added to the helplessness of the crew at sea. 2.Sorry to hear that youve failed the exam. If only you had set_about_the revision earlier.3.Many memories of old times were called_up by the conversation we had together that evening.4.Its the love and responsibility that have driven him to get_through many hardships and survive.1.“有时”词汇全接触now and then偶尔;有时now and again 不时;时而from time to time 不时 2.“v.into”结构的短语荟萃dive into一心投入burst into突然闯入run into 撞上knock into 撞上look into 调查break into 破门而入三、句式背 原 句明 句 式学 仿 写1.The criteria are so strict that it is difficult to get new ideas accepted unless they are truly novel. (评定)专利标准是很严格的,除非新的想法真是新颖的,否则很难被接受。so .that .“如此以至于”,引导结果状语从句。他的发明如此实用以至于很快就获得了专利。His invention was so_practical_that he soon got a patent.2.Follow it up, explore all around it, and before you know it, you will have something worth thinking about to occupy your mind.跟踪下去,不断探索,不知不觉中你就会发现某种值得思考的东西占据着你的头脑。本句为“祈使句and/or/otherwise陈述句”结构。给我一次机会,我会给你一个惊喜。Give_me_a_chance,_and Ill give you a wonderful surprise.Great inventions change the world and they help people live a better life. We all know that inventors are all distinguished for their scientific achievements, such as Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison. As we know, inventors often associate their new ideas with their new inventions. Cheer up, and you can also invent your new things.1distinguish vt.& vi.显示的差别;使有所不同;辨别(1)distinguish between A and 区分A和Bdistinguish . from . 与区分开来distinguish oneself as .) (作为)而出名(2)distinguished adj. 越的;著名的;杰出的be distinguished for . 而出名be distinguished as . 为而出名Reading good books can not only enrich our minds but also teach us to distinguish between right and wrong.阅读好书既能丰富我们的知识又能教我们分辨是非。Its important to distinguish reality from dreams.(2015广东高考)重要的是要把现实与梦想区别开来。As far as we all know, Lang Ping has already distinguished herself_as a great volleyball coach in the world.众所周知,郎平作为优秀的排球教练在世界上已享有盛名。2associate vt.联想;联系 n同伴,伙伴(1)associate .with .与联系起来associate with sb. 某人交往/联系be associated with 有关(2)association n. 合;联想;交往;协会;社团in association with 联合/有关联We naturally associate the name of Darwin with the theory of evolution.我们自然会把达尔文的名字与进化论联系起来。There are many serious health problems which are associated (associate) with smoking.有很多严重的健康问题都与吸
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