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重点查处在特色产业扶贫项目及资金安排上优亲厚友,在项目检查验收过程中不严格按程序和要求办事、搞吃拿卡要,在项目资金管理使用上搞侵占挪 模块双基滚动练(一)回扣范围:必修一.单词拼写1He arrived an hour late and upset (打乱) all our arrangements.2It is very important to keep calm (镇静的) when an earthquake breaks out.3Of the two men, the former is now a teacher and the latter (后者) is an engineer.4He was recognized (辨认出) by his fans though he wore a pair of sunglasses.5Two people got trapped (困住) in the lift this morning when the electricity was cut off.6China successfully held G20 summit conference in Hangzhou, which was one of the most important events (事件) in 2016.7Winning the match was just a reward (回报) for the effort the team had made.8We all have equal (平等的) chances of working and living in this country.单句语法填空1True friends are that kind of people who are reliable (rely) and worth trusting.2Buried (bury) in thought deeply, I even didnt notice it was getting dark.3Devoting (devote) all his energy and time to carrying out the research, he was still single in his forties.4We expressed our congratulations (congratulate) to Mr. Brown for his success in the experiment.5All the students in my class are determined (determine) to work hard to serve our country.6The book, based (base) on a true story in the Second World War, is very popular among readers.7While visiting (visit) the Great Wall, I met my good friend, Mary for the first time.8This is the time when the children do exercise, so no one is in the classroom now.单句改错1It was the first time I talked with my mother face to face.talked前加had2Although I try to talk to my classmates, I still find it hard make good friends with them.make前加to3The number of the people, who have access to their own cars, have risen sharply in the past decade.第二个havehas4When we saw the road block with snow, we decided to spend the holiday at home.blockblocked5I dont believe the reason why she gave me for her being late for school.whywhich/that6After graduation from college, they made up their mind to go and settle in the countryside.mindminds7He was on the point of starting out while Harry cut in.whilewhen8It was far from Beijing, where was more than 200 kilometers away.wherewhich.选词填空make up ones mind, as a matter of fact, give in, because of, care about, in trouble, come up, make use of1Several problems about how to carry out our plan came_up in the meeting yesterday.2We should make_use_of the waste materials and reduce the cost of production.3We didnt go to the Summer Palace yesterday because_of the bad weather.4The man pretended to be a doctor, but as_a_matter_of_fact,_he knows nothing about medicine at all.5I think when you are in_trouble you should communicate with your parents or friends first.6He had to give_in as a result of the pressure from his parents and relatives.7I dont care_about whether he will accept my invitation or not.8Once you have made_up_your_mind to do it, you must try your best to do it well.句型转换1After she finished her homework, she went out to do some sports.Having_finished_her_homework,_she went out to do some sports.(分词作状语)2His grandfather lay in the sofa and listened to his radio with great pleasure.His grandfather lay in the sofa, listening_to_his_radio_with_great_pleasure.(分词作状语)3She didnt get up until the sun was already high in the sky.It_was_not_until_the_sun_was_already_high_in_the_sky_that she got up. (强调句型)Not until the sun was already high in the sky did_she_get_up. (倒装)4The stick looks like a snake in the water.It_looks_as_if the stick were a snake in the water.5My sister would rather take a walk along the river than see a film in the cinema.My sister would_take a walk along the river rather_than_see a film in the cinema.6It was very cold yesterday evening, so we all stayed home to keep warm.It was so_cold yesterday evening that we all stayed home to keep warm.补全句子1我很喜欢这本书。与其说它是一本语法书,不如说它是一本字典。I like the book very much. It is more_a_dictionary_than_a_grammar_book.2世界上没有什么免费的午餐。一切都应靠勤劳获得。There_is_no_such_thing_as a free lunch in the world. Everything should be got by working hard.3亨利看上去很沮丧,这是因为他考试不及格。Henry looks very upset. Thats_because_he_didnt_pass_the_exam.4他匆匆忙忙地出去了,门也没有关。He went out in a hurry, leaving_the_door_open.5正是他的妈妈帮助他得到了那个去国外进修的好机会。It_was_his_mother_who helped him get the good chance to go abroad for further study.6看起来似乎你妈妈已经知道了真相。你最好不要对她撒谎了。It_seems_as_if your mother has known the truth, so youd better not tell her a lie.7当这个女孩睁开眼睛时,她发现自己正站在一个花园里。When the girl opened her eyes, she found_herself_standing in a garden.8他因为生病住院了。直到那时他才意识到健康是多么重要。He was in hospital because of illness. Only then did_he_realize how important health is.扶贫领域形式主义、官僚主义问题。重点查处在特色产业扶贫工作中弄虚作假,在结对帮扶工作中走马观花、不帮助解决群众实际困难和诉求等问题。
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