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榜样的力量,源于苦难得磨砺。苦难事人生的必修课,有的人在苦难面前选择退却、消沉、怨天尤人,而我们身边的榜样却坦然的面对,从不向命运屈服,积极为明天拼搏专题五介词和介词短语( B )1.(2016菏泽中考)Please email me _ sdshzs666163.com if you have any questions.AonBatCin ( B )2.(2016龙东中考)Taiwan lies _ the east of Fujian,_ the southeast of China.Aon;in Bto;in Con;to ( C )3.(2016重庆中考改编)Our reading club shares ideas with each other _ one hour every Tuesday.Ato Bon Cfor( C )4.(2016东营中考改编)_ running after success,we have a lot of other interesting things to do in our lives.ABy B Except CBesides ( A )5.(2016深圳中考)Excuse me,could you please tell me the way to the Book City?OK.Walk along this street till you reach the Childrens Palace.The Book City is opposite it.Aon the other side ofBin front ofCnext to( B )6. (2016深圳中考)A little giraffe has come to Shenzhen Safari Park.Shall we go and watch it?Good idea! Lets go there together _ next Sunday.Aone by one Bwith each otherCin our spare time( B )7.(2016深圳中考)The library near our school isnt open in the evening,so we can go there_No problem,Ill go with you tomorrow.Aday after day Bin the daytimeCall the time( A )8.(2016济宁中考改编)We should be kind to the old and take care _ them in daily life.Aof Bfor Cwith ( B )9.(2016重庆中考改编)Jim lives _ a small village and the air there is very fresh.Aon Bin Cunder ( C )10.(2016青岛中考)Tim is going to give his father a surprise _ Fathers Day.Ain Bat Con( C )11.(2016白银中考)Chinese will be widely used _ a foreign language around the world.Ain Bfor Cas ( C )12.(2016遵义十二中模拟)The birds singing came into our room _ the window and woke me up in the early morning.Adown Bfrom Cthrough ( B )13.(2016山西中考)Pandas are muchloved around the world.Unluckily,there arent many pandas left and theyre _ now.So we must save them.Ain order Bin danger Cin need ( C )14.(2016包头中考改编)If you are planning a trip to a place of interest,youd better look in your local library _ a book about it.Aon Bat Cfor( C )15.(2016上海中考)When James arrived at the railway station,he tried to look _ a place to park his car.Aafter Bat Cfor( C )16.(2016遵义十六中模拟)Healthy eating _ regular exercise is the best way to keep fit.Aless than Binstead ofCtogether with( B )17.(2017中考预测)Well play basketball _ Class 3 tomorrow.Aover Bagainst Cto( A )18.(2017中考预测)Everyone wants to win.But _ me,the most important thing is to learn something new and have fun.Aas for Bthanks to Cinstead of( C )19.(2017原创预测)Yang Zhenlin returned to China _ staying in America.Athanks to Baccording toCinstead of( B )20.(2017原创预测)_ the map in iPhone 7,many Chinese refuse to buy iPhone 7.ABecauseBBecause ofCThanks for ( C )21.(2016安顺中考改编)Nowadays,more and more people have taken an interest _ watching Running Man _ Friday evening.Ain;in Bat;on Cin;on( A )22.You must be careful when you swim _ the lake.Aacross Bbelow Cover( B )23.Its impolite for a guest to leave _ saying goodbye.Awith Bwithout Cafter( C )24.(2016天津中考)You can buy almost everything _ the Internet,and its very easy.Ainto Bfor Con( B )25.Hearing from this good news,her eyes are filled _ tears.Aof Bwith Cabout伊宁县胡地亚于孜镇盖买村党支部书记李元敏用信念与当担,用超越常人的勇气,克服苦难从抓班子强队伍入手,带领全村摘掉了“落后村”的帽子,撑起一片遵纪守法、家
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