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榜样的力量,源于苦难得磨砺。苦难事人生的必修课,有的人在苦难面前选择退却、消沉、怨天尤人,而我们身边的榜样却坦然的面对,从不向命运屈服,积极为明天拼搏 Unit 2 How often do you exercise? Section B 3a Self Check Teaching aims: 一、 话题:业余时间的活动 ( Free time activities ) 二、功能:Talk about good and bad habits. Learn how to write an article about daily habits. 三、语法: 1.能正确使用一般现在时谈论空余时间的活动(Talk about free time activities) 2.能正确使用always,often, never等频度副词 四、学习策略: 1.复习一般现在时的相关内容 2.指导学生掌握写作方法与技巧 五、情感态度: 学会合理地安排空余的时间的活动,养成良好的生活习惯。 (设计意图:目标的设计从五个环节体现,其中前三个环节的设计主要是关于本节课的话题,功能和语法点,让学生一目了然,知道自己学习的内容是什么;而学习策略的设计则主要是引导学生理解3a的同时,渗透写作技巧;至于情感态度方面则主要是帮助和引导他们合理地安排自己的业余时间,从而形成良好的生活习惯。) Pre-writing activities: Step Review: T: In the last class, we have studied what NO.5 High School students do in their free time. Now lets make some sentences according to the mind-map below. Eg: Fifteen percent of our students exercise every day. (设计意图:通过对上节课所学知识的复习,训练学生的语句表达能力,为下文的写作初步奠定基础。) StepWarm up and Lead in 1.Free talk: T: Boys and girls! As is known to all, habits decide success or failure. Everyone has both good and bad habits. What good habits do you think you have? What bad habits do you think you have?Now lets have a talk, and then complete the chart with your own information. Activities How often Good habits Bad habits (T: I hope you should try your best to get rid of the bad habits. Do you want to know what daily habits Jane has?) (设计意图:让学生谈论自己的好习惯和后坏习惯,激活了学生的思维,而且这些内容又与3a密切相关,为下面顺利完成3a做了铺垫。) 2.Look and say (1) Look at the pictures and chart in 3a. Then discuss the following questions in group. Activities Days a year Exercise Read books Watch TV for over 2 hours Drink juice Eat hamburgers Help with housework Stay up late Go to the dentist 365 365 320 210 95 20 15 0 What does the heading “Days a year” mean? What good habits does the girl have? Does the girl have any bad habits? What are they? (2) Make a report.( Ask several students to report in front of the class.) For example: The girl has a lot of good habits. She always exercises and -. -. However, she has some bad habits, too. She usually watches TV -. - (设计意图:锻炼学生根据表格内容和自己的判断,进行遣词造句的能力,为下面的写作做准备。) 3.Fill in the blanks First, ask students to write adverbs of frequency following the examples. (1) 365 days a year every day / always (100%) (2) 320 days a year usually (80%) (3) 210 days a year _ (4) 95 days a year _ (5) 20 days a year _ (6) 0 day a year _ Then, ask students to fill in the blanks in 3a with adverbs of frequency (always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly, never). (设计意图:让学生明确各个频度副词所表示的频率范围,以便用它们准确填空。) 4 .Analyze the structure 1. Give students some time to read the completed report. 2. Break up the report in 3a into three pieces and ask students in groups to put the disordered pieces into the right order. See which group will be the fastest. Later, after all students finish the task, choose a group to read the report piece by piece. Piece 1: However, she has some bad habits, too. -. She says she is afraid! Piece 2: Jane is a 16-year-old high school student in the United States. -about her habits. Piece 3: Jane has a lot of good habits. -. - hardly stays up late. 3. Ask students to think about how they can find the right order of the passage either in English or in Chinese. After students show their ideas, help students make sure the following things. (1) 时态:一般现在时。 (2) 结构:先总说,后分说。 (3) 写作思路:在总起句之后,作者先谈了Jane的好习惯,从however 统领的这句话(However, she has some bad habits, too.)开始,话题转向Jane 的坏习惯。 (4) 注意事项:注意频度副词的使用方法。 (设计意图:让学生理清范文结构,记住写日常生活习惯要注意的事项,以便自己写类似短文的时候有章可循。) While-writing activities Step Write an outline. 1. Ask students to read the chart in 3a. 2. Ask the students to think about the writing steps. First let students show their own ideas. Then, show the completed writing steps on the blackboard and the students can take the opportunity to check their own ideas. (1) I am a -year-old middle school student. (2) I have a lot of good habits. - (3) However, I have some bad habits, too. - 3. Ask students to pay attention to the following things: (1) 时态:一般现在时。 (2) 人称:用第一人称。 (3) 注意事项:将一项活动和其频率结合起来,从而判断它是否健康。如:help with housework是一个好习惯,但如果一年只做几次,就不是一个好习惯。 (设计意图:让学生列提纲,可以使学生在写作时思路清晰。) Step Write a report about own daily habits. Give students some time to write their report. Choose one student to write his / hers on the blackboard. When they finish writing, ask them to check their own reports individually. Post-writing activities Step Evaluate reports. 1. After all students finish writing, choose several students to evaluate the report on the blackboard item by item according to the evaluation scales. Then, the teacher corrects the wrong places with all students. (1) 时态:一般现在时 (2) 人称:第一人称 (3) 是否有总起句 (4) 在写好习惯、坏习惯时活动和频度副词搭配是否正确 (5) 有无语法错误 2. Then, ask students to check their partners reports according to the above evaluation scales. 3. Choose several students to read their reports. Other students listen carefully and find out the wrong places. 4. Ask students
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