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,饲用抗生素的替代品 Seminar National Feed Engeneering & Research Technology Centre 中国饲料工程研究中心论坛 Jan Cortenbach Chief Technical Officer De Heus-Wellhope Shanghai 11 November, 2015Feed Alternatives for AGP,AGP Alternatives,In the late 1940s antibiotics were discovered as growth promoting substances. 在20世纪40年代,发现抗生素具有促生长作用。,In 1968 the Swann report spoke about risks of AGP in animal feed 1968年Swann报道,饲料中添加抗生素具有风险性。 Resistance of bacteria 细菌的耐药性 Transmission of resistance to human 抗生素导致人类也产生耐药性,July 1999 EU suspended the licence for several major AGP 1999年7月,欧盟取消了几个主要抗生素许可证的发放。 IN EU only monensin sodium, salinomycin sodium, avilamycin, flavophospholipol were allowed between July 1999 and January 2006 在1999年7月至2006年1月,欧盟仅仅允许使用莫能菌素钠,盐霉素钠,阿美拉霉素,黄霉素。 From January 2006 all AGP were forbidden 从2006年1月起,欧盟全面禁用抗生素。,What are AGPs doing? 抗生素的作用?,They suppress excess growth of bacteria in the digestive tract 抑制消化道细菌的过度生长 So better feed efficiency 提高饲料转化率 They suppress Gram-positive bacteria in the digestive tract 抑制消化道革兰氏阳性菌的生长 So a more stable gut flora 肠道菌群更稳定 They have a limited effect on Gram-negative, pathogenic bacteria对革兰氏阴性致病菌作用有限。,McDonalds announced worldwide antibiotic free products from 1.3 billion kg of chicken, beef and pork in 30.000 restaurants around the world may be triggering an end to antibiotics! 麦当劳宣布全球范围内3万个餐厅使用的130万吨鸡肉、牛肉和猪肉都是无抗产品,这可能也进一步促使抗生素时代的终结。,Consequences of removal of AGPs 不使用抗生素结果,Reduction of livability 成活率降低 Decrease in body weight 体重降低 Increase of feed conversion rate 料肉比高 Less uniformity 均匀度下降 Increase of therapeutics 治疗费用增加,Ban of AGP in Sweden in 1986 1986年瑞典禁用抗生素,Daily weight gain - 10% 平均日增重降低10% Feed conversion rate+ 8% 料肉比增加8% Mortality + 10 15% 死亡率增加10-15%,Experience in Denmark 丹麦经验,2000: “Voluntary” ban on all AGP 2000年,自愿禁用抗生素 62 % of the farms no problem 62%的猪场没有出现问题 26% temporarily disbalance 26%的猪场偶尔出现问题 11% permanent problems 11%经常出现问题 Pigs : no difference in growth and mortality 对于大猪而言,增重和死亡率无明显的差异。 Piglets: somewhat lower growth and somewhat increased mortality 对于仔猪而言,某种程度上讲,增重降低,死亡率提高; Effective measures:有效措施 Feeding strategy: often feeding, meal, Protein, Barley 饲喂策略:少喂勤添、粉料、蛋白含量、大麦 Management: later weaning?! 管理措施:推迟断奶 Alternative products : 替代品,Under those circumstances AGPs should not just be removed from feed 在上述条件下,不能简单的将抗生素去掉 THEY ALSO HAVE TO BE REPLACED 必须寻找抗生素的替代品 We can not replace AGPs with a single feed additive 而这种替代品不能仅仅依靠单一饲料添加剂 WE NEED NEW FEEDING CONCEPTS 我们需要新的饲喂方案,Alternative strategies: 替代方案: Acidifiers 酸化剂 Oligosaccharides (Prebiotics)低聚寡糖(益生元) Enzymes 酶制剂 Cell wall fragments 细胞壁 Phytobiotics (Herbs / Flavours) 植物抗生素(中草药/香精) Minerals 矿物质 Probiotics 益生菌 Non-starch polysaccharides非淀粉多糖 Protein and amino acids蛋白和氨基酸 Dietary ingredients and feed presentation日粮原料组成及饲料形态 Management and husbandry techniques管理和饲养技术,ACIDIFIERS 酸化剂,Decreases the pH in feed 降低饲料的pH值 Decreases the buffer capacity in feed 降低饲料的缓冲力 Anti-microbial effect 抑菌作用 Inhibits growth of E. Coli and Salmonella 抑制大肠杆菌和沙门氏菌的生长繁殖 Reduces pH in stomach 降低胃内pH值 Increases digestibility of protein, Ca and P (Jongbloed et al, 1995) 提高饲料中粗蛋白、钙、磷的消化吸收。 Preserves feed 有利于饲料的保存。 Inhibit mould growth抑制霉菌的生长繁殖。,What is buffering capacity?饲料的缓冲力,B-Value: amount of acid needed to lower pH to a fixed value. B值:将饲料的pH值降低到固定值时所需要的酸的量。 for feed (ingredients): amount of 1.0 M HCl required for 1kg feed to lower pH to 3,4, or 5 B值:将1kg饲料pH降低至3,4或者5时所需要的浓度为1.0 摩尔的盐酸的量。,In practice: amount of 0.1 M HCl (in ml) to acidify a feed topH 5 for 10 gram feed in 90 ml water. 实践应用中B值:指将10g饲料溶于90ml水中pH=5时所需的浓度为0.1 摩尔的盐酸的量。,pH value at start has no relation to B-value 起始pH值与B值不相关,Correlation between B-value and protein % = 0,87 蛋白与B值的相关度是0.87%,pH值对蛋白质净电荷的影响,pH值低于等电点时,蛋白质所带电荷,阳离子交换,蛋白质表面净电荷,阴离子交换,pH值高于等电点时,蛋白质所带电荷,pH值等于等电点时,蛋白质所带电荷,Why is buffering capacity important? 为什么缓冲力非常重要? It affects digestion 影响动物消化吸收 High B-value results in high stomach pH 高B值,胃内高pH值 Pepsin activation only at low pH 低pH时激活胃蛋白酶 Poor protein breakdown 蛋白的降解率降低 Undigested protein in lower digestive tract 后肠未消化的蛋白增多 Protein fermentation, toxic amines 蛋白发酵,有毒性的氨 Diarrhea 腹泻,Low pH is essential for bacterial control低pH抑制细菌数量 Decrease of pathogenic bacteria 抑制病原菌 Beneficial bacteria are more tolerant to low pH 有益菌能够耐受低pH环境,Minimum最低pH值,Optimum适宜pH值,Maximum最大pH值,Emptying of stomach is affected by pH 胃的排空受胃内pH值的影响 Higher pH delays discharge of stomach高pH值推迟胃排空 Lower feed intake采食量降低 Lower daily weight gain 平均日增重降低 (Hambrecht, 1998),The importance for young animals 低pH值对幼龄动物更为重要 Young animals have limited capacity for gastric acid secretion 幼龄动物胃酸分泌能力有限 Optimal B-value depends stage of growth 不同生长阶段有不同的适宜B-值,In formulating diets attention should be paid to 配方中应该关注 Protein 蛋白质 Energy 能量 Minerals 矿物质 B-value B-值 Organic acids or organic acid salts 有机酸和有机酸盐,Acetic, 醋酸/乙酸 propionic acid: 丙酸,Acids to use:酸化剂的使用,moderate effect on pH 对pH值的影响较弱,Formic, 甲酸 Fumaric, 富马酸 Citric, 柠檬酸 Lactic acid 乳酸,Hoofdstuk,lower pH subs
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