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Self Check,任务,任务:根据图片内容,用适当的情态动词完成句子。,任务,1.Why are they in such a hurry? They for school. 2.They are making a snowman. I think it winter. 3.Gina didnt go to the party yesterday evening. I think she her homework at home. 4.The doctor is looking over the boy. I think he ill.,must/might be running,must be,must/might be doing,must/may be,Shes the only one who wears such colorful clothes. 她是唯一穿鲜艳衣服的。 此句是一个含有定语从句的复合句(关于定语从句,我们将在Unit 9进行系统的学习)。one在句子中是代词;英语中,为了避免重复,使语言更有灵活性,通常用one来代替文中出现过的单数可数名词。如: I have many books.Which one would you like to read? 我有许多书。你想看哪一本? 温馨提示 若指代复数名词,则用ones。,拓展 (1)在“the only one of +复数名词 + 定语从句”的结构中,定语从句修饰the only one,从句中的谓语动词用单数形式。如: Lucia is the only one of the students who has ever been to Tibet. 露西亚是这些学生中唯一一个去过西藏的。 (2)在“one of +复数名词+定语从句”的结构中,定语从句修饰复数名词,从句中的谓语动词要用复数形式。如: China is one of the countries that have hosted the Olympic Games. 中国是举办过奥运会的国家之一。,
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