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单元标题: Unit 1 My names Gina.Teaching goals: Review the numbers and the dialogue in period 3. Talk about the family name and the first name. All the students can master the language goals “Ask others for names and telephone numbers”.And by using these language points to introduce themselves and make new friends.Teaching and learning steps :Preview:Ss look at P5, put them into English orally, then write them down without looking at the text.1. 我的姓名是珍妮 格林。2. 他的电话号码是281-9176。3. 我的朋友是埃里克布朗。4. 她的电话号码是929-3155。5. 他是戴尔米勒。6. 我的朋友在中国,她的名字是张明明。(设计意图:根据教材抽取其中的重点句型,学生能有针对的对2b进行预习。)Step 1:Warming up .热身导入。A guessing game T shows a telephone number. (从2b中选出电话号码,但展示时有一个数字是空缺的。)T :This is a telephone number, Can you guess what the telephone number is ? Ss guess what the number is . (经过多次猜测得出正确答案把全班分成几个小组,每个小组规定几次机会,最先猜对的小组获胜。)(设计意图:以游戏教学为主导从而帮助他们复习旧知识,引出新对话,为下面的环节打好语言基础。)Step2.Lead in.Then listen to 2b and try to match the names and the telephone numbers. (出示英文姓名时以名为主,同时涉及本课中出现的姓氏)3.Check the answers.4.Show the differences between a Chinese full name and an English full name . (在此环节导入英文全名)T: Look at the big screen,Zhang Mingming ,Dale Green , Alice Brown Which is a Chinese full name (全名 )?Ss:Zhang Mingming.T: Which is the full name of English speaking countries ?Ss: Dale Green , Alice BrownT :Would you like to know the difference between the full name of English speaking countries and a Chinese full name? Lets come to 2a.Read the list of names Write F for the first name and L for the last name.1.Alan2Green3Miller4Mingming5Gina6.Jack7Smith8Brown9Zhang10MaryCheck the answers. 1F 2L 3L 4F 5F 6F 7L 8L 9L 10F T: Lets come to 2b.Step 2 : Reading for the main idea (读取大意)(Ss read the passage fast and silently to find the general idea.)The main idea of the three messages is about _.A. first names B.last names C.names and phone numbersKey:C Step 3 Read for details(读取细节)(Ss read the text carefully and silently to find the specific ideas.)1. Read the messages and match them with the pictures.2. Match the names with the telephone numbers in 2c .Telephone numberA. 358-6344B. 929-3155C. 281-9176D. 257-8900E. 357-5689F. 232-4672 Names1.Eric Brown2.Gina Smith3.Dale Miller4.Zhang Mingming5.Jenny Green6.Mary Brown Check the answersKeys1E 2F 3A 4B 5C 6D Friends1._and _2. ._and _3. _and _3.Find three pairs of friends in the name list (Finish 2c)Keys:1. Jenny Green and Gina Smith2. Dale Miller and Eric Brown3. Mary Brown and Zhang MingmingStep 4 Post-reading activities(读后活动)1. Role-play.学生3人一组,分别扮演Gina Smith,Eric Brown 和Zhang Mingming,向同伴介绍自己及朋友Jenny Green, Dale Miller和 Mary Brown。可以借助表格的相关信息。NamesTelephone numbersFriends namesFriends telephone numbersJenny Green Gina SmithDale Miller Eric BrownMary Brown Zhang Mingming设计意图:以角色扮演的形式,借助表格对2b 进行文本的输出。Teacher shows Alice Greens ID card. Using the information to complete the sentences.(Ss come to 3a &3b) Teacher asks 3-4 Ss to write the sentences on the blackboard.Her first name is _Her last name is _Her phone number is _PEP Middle SchoolFirst name:Alice Last name:GreenPhone Number:951-3397 According to 3a(Alice Greens ID card )to finish 3b. First fill in your ID card then write about yourself.First name:_Last name:_Phone number:_Write a short passage to introduce yourself to others. Using the following forms.I m _.My first name is _.My last name is _My phone number is _.1.Ss write their own ID card and the short passage. Ask 4-6Ss to perform.2.将小组内的卡片集中到一起,进行第三人称的转换训练。_is_._ first name is _._ last name is _. _phone number is _.设计意图:引导学生学会看ID card,并能抽取重点信息完成句子。Step 5 Inquiry into knowledge by translation.(翻译探究)Whats your last name? _last name意为 “_”,与_意义相同。first name 以为 “_ ”,与_意义。full name意为 “_” 。 英美人的姓名顺序与中国人的姓名顺序不同。中国人的_在前,_在后。而英美人的_在前,_在后。他们的姓名一般由三部分组成,即“_+_+_”。其中,中间名代表家族称谓,通常不用。书写时要注意名和姓的第一个字母不论在何处都要如:在中,名_放在前面,姓_ 放在后面。1. -Whats your first name ?-_(Jack/Smith)2.-His name is Zhou Jielun .-His first name is _(Zhou/ Jielun).(设计意图:根据教材和助学,抽取本节课的重点,侧重于对基础的检测。同时附带相应的习题加以巩固。)Step 6 The end-of-class test当堂检测:(一)根据句意和首字母提示完成句子。 1.W_ is your telephone number?2.Three and four is s_ .3. Whats his p_ number?4. Jenny is my f_ name?5. Green is
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