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八年级Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came ? 第四课时 Section B 1a-1d 听说课Teaching and learning Goals:一、功能:Talkaboutpastevents.二、词汇和常用表达:Learn to use words and sentences: realize ,wait for, make ones way to, the school basketball competition三、学习策略:Learn topredictthe answer to the question by looking through thecue .Sum up the sentence patterns and useful expressions in the conversation. Get some listening information from the sentences in 1b and 1c. Role-play the conversation with a partner. 四、情感态度:to beautify their homes, pay close attention to stray animals, form a good habit of punctuality Teaching and learning steps Step 1 Preview一. Put the following into English orally, and then write them down without looking at the book.1. Write the English for the Chinese.(1)理解,领会,意识到_ (2) 前往,费力的前进_ (3) 在路边_ (4)学校篮球赛_ 2. Look at P37 and put the following into English orally. Then write them down without looking at your book.(1) 昨天学校里发生了什么事情?_ (2) 她意识到她的书包仍然在家里。_ (3) 篮球赛开始时,她仍然在去学校的路上。_ 二. Revision. Check the answers with the students .T: Boys and girls! Ill give you one star if you can say one sentence. Lets see which group is the best. OK, now lets begin .(设计意图:教师可以更有针对性地教,学生可以更有针对性的学,同时利用学生的争强好胜心理,引入小组间的竞赛,亦能激发学生参与性。)Step 2 Warm up and lead in1. T: We all met something happy or unhappy in our lives .Some of these events are impressive and you can remmber them many years later .Do you agree ?Ss: Yes .T: OK! Can you think of a time when you were late for class?Ss: Yes.T: OK! Who can give us an example ?When was that?What did you say to your teacher?What happened to you?What did your teacher say to you?Why do you remember the teachers words so clearly?Then share some students stories .T: Good. Lets come to 1a .Think of a time when you were late for or couldnt go to an event. What was the event?What was the reason that you were late or couldnt go?Then tell your partner the story .(设计意图:让学生介绍自己一次难忘的“迟到”导入,一是谈论自己的切身感受,可有效地激发学生的学习兴趣和参与热情,同时又为下面复述故事奠定基础。)Step 3 Listening PracticePre-listening activities1. T: Look at the picture below . Can you guess what happened to the girl? Ss: Discuss the picture together and make up a short story .And then have one students to act out their story .2. T: Well ,after listening our classmates story ,now lets listen to the recording and see what happened to the girl . Lets come to 1b .First, look through the questions in1b and guess the main idea of the conversation .(1)What event happened at the school yesterday?(2) Who missed the event?(3)Which team won at the event?(设计意图:由所给问题对听力内容进行推测,特别是第三个问题可以推导出至少是某种比赛,为后面的听力降低了难度。)While-listening activities3. Listening for the general idea.T: Boys and girls! Well listen to a conversation between John and Kate . Can you guess the general idea of the conversation? Lets listen to the tape and make sure what they said.The general idea of the conversation is about _.A. a basketball competitionB. a lost dogC. why Kate missed the competition .4. Listening for the specific ideas.T: We all know the general idea is about why Kate missed the competition. Now listen and write short answers to the questions.(1)What event happened at the school yesterday?(2) Who missed the event?(3)Which team won at the event?(设计意图:本部分的内容重在培养学生们听大意和听细节信息的能力,所以先帮助学生听出对话的大意再去完成后面对应的细节题。)5. T: Look at the sentences in 1d , and try to order them by your own ideas .Then listen and number the events 1-6 in the order they happened._ Kate saw a dog by the side of the road._ Kate got to the bus stop._ Kate called the Animal Helpline._1_ Kate left the house._ Kate waited for someone to walk by._ Kate realized her bag was still at home.(设计意图:本部分的内容先让学生读句子,并通过自己的推理排序,这样有利于启发学生思考。重在培养学生们听力技能获取、处理和传递所需信息的能力。)6. Listen again and fill in the blanks. Kate: What a day I had! _ I got to the bus stop, I _ that my bag was still at home! But _ I _ back home, I _ a dog by the side of the road and it was hurt. I _ to call the Animal Helpline, but I didnt have my phone so I had to _ someone to _. Then I _ his phone to call the helpline. Therefore, I didnt _ the competition.(设计意图:本部分的内容先让学生听听力填空,这样有利于发学生抓住听力的关键内容。重在培养学生们听力技能获取、获取关键信息的能力。)Post-listening activities1. T: We have known what happened to that girl. Now lets listen again or read the listening text on Page 102 , and then answer the following questions .(1) What did she do when she got to the bus stop?(2) What did she do when she realized her bag was at home?(3) What did she see while she was running back home?(4) What did she want to do when she saw the dog?(5) Why did she wait for someone when she wanted to call t
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