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,“欧洲之花”巴塞罗那 Barcelona,Certainly one of the best spots in the Mediterranean , Barcelona is the capital city of Catalunya and is one of the 17 Autonomous Communities that make up Spain . It is strategically located in a very privileged position on the northeastern coast of the Iberian peninsula, along the Mediterranean coast, around 41 and 2 .Its being located at the Mediterranean sea in the very north of the Spanish coast also contributes to making it certainly the most cosmopolitan and most economically active city in the country of Spain .,Location,毋庸置疑的是地中海中最好的一个风景点,巴塞罗那是加泰罗尼亚的首都城市,也是构成西班牙的17个自治社区之一。它坐落在一个非常特殊的位置东北海岸的伊比利亚半岛沿地中海沿岸,约4123N,211E。它位于西班牙海岸的地中海中北部地理位置也有助于使它理所当然成为西班牙最国际化和经济最活跃的城市。,History,巴塞罗那比马德里更为古老,在西班牙的大部分历史上,它都是比马德里更为重要的城市,先是西歌哥人的首都,后来是巴塞罗那有权势的诸伯爵的领地。1137年成为加泰罗尼亚和阿拉贡联合王国的首府,此后变成一座极其富裕而显耀的城市。15世纪初期巴塞罗那及其所辖地区并入西班牙国,此后马德里与巴塞罗那之间一直存在着激烈的竞争,作为这个国家名列前茅的海港、商业中心和工业城市,巴塞罗那日益繁荣。,Barcelona is more ancient than Madrid. In Spains history, it is more important than the Madrid City. Firstly it is Visigoths capital,and later Barcelona belonged to powerful earldoms.In 1137 it became the the capital of the union of Catalonia and Reino de Aragn , then it was made to be a very rich and splendid city.In early fifteenth Century, Barcelona and the area incorporated turned to be part of Spain .Between Madrid and Barcelona, the intense competition existed all the time. As the best harbor, commercial centre and industrial city of the country, Barcelona keeps on its prosperity.,Architecture,Because of its a large quantity of historical buildings and cultural attractions Barcelona is the place that all tourist dream to. Barcelona is generally acknowledged by international architectural community that it is the most perfect combination of ancient and modern civilization in one city, also it is the artists palace. People can see amazing works of famous artist such as Picasso ,Gaudi, Milo et al. Mp everywhere in the city.,巴塞罗那因其众多历史建筑和文化景点成为众多旅游者的目的地。巴塞罗那是国际建筑界公认的将古代文明和现代文明结合最完美的城市,也是一所艺术家的殿堂,市内随处可见世界著名的艺术大师毕加索、高迪、米罗等人的遗作。,Sagrada Familia,Despite its unfinished state, the Temple of the Holy Family, or Sagrada Familia, is Antoni Gaudis most widely recognized work and one of the most important milestones in the development of Catalan Modernism.尽管它处于未完成的状态,圣家族大教堂或圣家赎罪堂,是安东尼高迪最被广泛认可的作品,也是一个加泰罗尼亚现代主义发展上最重要的里程碑。,Gothic is the main style of the cathedral ,and the elongated line is the most main characteristic, the dome and the internal structure shows the New Gothic style. 教堂主体以哥特式风格为主,细长的线条是主要特色,圆顶和内部结构则显示出新哥特风格。,YOU CANT MISS IT!,Mengselaite Monastery is 60 kilometers far away from the urban area of Barcelona .and its famous for oddly shaped rocks, Black Madonna and the oldest European Choir. 蒙瑟莱特修道院距离巴塞罗那市区有60公里,以形状奇特的山岩、黑色圣母和欧洲最古老的唱诗班而著称 。,There are two Choir perfornances everyday, in 13: 00 and 18: 45, excepte July and Christmas holidays.It is the most ancien Youth Choir in Europe, composed of 10-14 age children.They learn and live in the monastery.唱诗班演唱:每天两场,分别在13:00和18:45,7月和圣诞节假期除外。这是欧洲最古老的少年唱诗班,由10-14岁的儿童组成,他们在修道院中生活和学习。,Mengselaite Monastery,Casa Batll 蒲特耀之家,Casa Batll is located in the famous “discordant blocks” (Mancana de la Discordia),and it was also designed by Gaudi. This is an building in Rococo style whose external wall was decorated with colorful mosaic. Its roof was covered with ceramic plates with a shape of a dragon winding down. The whole building has a dazzling beauty, everyone can not help admire the masters exquisite handwriting. 蒲特耀之家位于著名的“不和谐街区”(Mancana de la Discordia),它也是由大建筑师高迪设计的。这是一座外墙以彩色马赛克装饰的洛可可风格的建筑,它的屋顶覆盖着陶瓷板,状似龙形,蜿蜒起伏。整幢建筑具有耀眼的美感,令人不禁要赞叹大师的精湛手笔。,Park Guell,The Park Guell was built in 1910-1914, the construction of the public part of the park such as roads, entrances and Square were designed by Gaudi. The use of the naturalistic approach can be seen everywhere in the Park, just like a fairy tale kingdom.,古埃尔公园建于1910-1914年,公园的道路、出入口和大广场等公共部分由高迪设计建造。公园内随处可见自然主义手法的运用,如同童话王国。,Palau de la Musica Catalana,Palau de la Musica Catalana is the Masters Munda Nells work in 1908, one of Barcelonas most stunning modernist style building, the colorful sculptures and ceramic mosaic is the most prominent features.,加泰罗尼亚音乐宫建筑是大师蒙达内尔1908年作品,巴塞罗那最令人震撼的现代派风格建筑之一,色彩艳丽的雕塑和陶瓷马赛克装饰是其最突出的特色。,Food,Tapa,La Paella,Judiasconbutifarra,Sopa Castellana,Soccer,Barcelona has two well-known football club Barcelona and the Spanish. Barcelona is one of the worlds most famous football club. 巴塞罗那有两个知名的足球俱乐部巴塞罗那和西班牙人。其中巴塞罗那是世界最著名的足球俱乐部之一。,不过我是果断支持皇马的!,The Tour Of Barcelona Ends! Thank You!,
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