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Abstract Rock and Roll was born in America, which developed in 1950s,and thrived in 1960s rock and roll,. In the 1960s, the development of the special social environment, culture and economy in the United States created the conditions for the formation and development of rock and roll rock and roll,. The emergence and development of rock and roll in the United States also produced great influences on American society. In this paper, I will describe the history and the culture of 1960s in America. According to analyse the development of rock music in 1960s in America, we can conclude that the background information of the 1960s in the United States created the conditions for the formation and development of rock and roll rock and roll,. While the development of rock and roll in the 1960s in the United States produced great influences on American society. Generally speaking, the rock music not only impacted on the traditional values of the United States, but also impacted on the racial outlook and spirit of the age of the United States. Key Words: United States; Rock n Roll; 1960s 摘要 摇滚乐产生于美国,发展于1950年代,兴盛于1960年代。二十世纪六十年代,美国特有的社会环境,文化和经济的发展为摇滚乐的产生及发展创造了条件,而摇滚乐在美国的出现和发展又对美国社会产生了重大影响。本文将描述二十世纪六十年代的美国历史和文化,通过分析摇滚乐在1960年代的美国的发展,从而可以得出结论:在1960年代,美国的社会背景为摇滚乐的形成及发展创造了条件。然而,1960年代的摇滚乐在美国发展对美国社会也产生了重大影响。大致来讲,摇滚乐不但影响了美国的传统价值观,而且还作用于美国的种族观和美国的时代精神。关键字:美国;摇滚乐;1960年代 Contents1. Introduction12. The Origin of Rock n Roll.12.1 Background Information of Rock n Roll. 12.2 The Emergence of Rock n Roll.22.3 The Origins of the Phrase.23. Rock n Roll in 1960s in America.23.1 The Social Background and Social Status in the 1960s in America.23.1.1 The Civil Rights Movement.33.1.2 Opposition to the Vietnam War.33.1.3 Counter Culture Movement.33.1.4 Feminist Movement 43.2 The Development of “Rock and Roll” in the 1960s in America.43.2.1 The Main Famous Styles in the 1960s.53.2.2 The Main Famous Stars and Bands in United States in the 1960s. Bob Dylan. The Beatles73.2.2.3 The Rolling Stones.94. The Impact which Brought to America by “rock and roll” .104.1The Effects on the Traditional Values of the United States.104.1.1 Rock: Racial Adhesive.114.1.2 Subversion of the Traditional Value of Reconstruction.114.2TheEffects on the Racial Outlook and Spirit of the Age of the United States .124.2.1 The Vanguard of the Times, the Spirit of Idol.125. Conclusion .136. Bibliography.14The Development and the Influence of AmericanRock n Roll1. Introduction: Rock and Roll was born in America, which developed in 1950s, and thrived in 1960s. However, in the 1960s, America entered a new historical period, the U.S. economy was turned to a new round of cyclical downturn by the postwar boom, and then social problems exacerbated. Thus, during this period, some civil rights and cultural movements took place. But rock music thrived; whats more, it produced great influences on America society. Therefore, it can be said that there was a closely relationship between rock music and the American society. In this thesis, my attention is paid to analyse rock and roll in 1960s in America. I will describe the history and the culture of 1960s in America. According to the analysis of the development of rock music in 1960s in America, we can conclude that the development of the special social environment, culture and economy in 1960s in the United States created the conditions for the formation and development of rock and roll rock and roll,. The emergence and development of rock and roll in the United States produced great influences on American society. Generally speaking, the rock music not only impacted on the traditional values of the United States, but also impacted on the racial outlook and spirit of the age of the United States. 2. The Origin of Rock n Roll2.1 Background Information of Rock n Roll Reviewing the first half of the 20th Century of the history in United States from 1920s and 1930s, there was a great depression in Europe and the United States owing to the economic crisis.At the end of 30s, the Second World War broke out. In 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor led to the Unite
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