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录音机放音键的模具设计摘 要 本论文应用本专业所学课程的理论和生产实际知识进行一次冷冲压模具设计工作的实际训练从而培养和提高独立工作能力,巩固与扩充了冷冲压模具设计等课程所学的内容,掌握冷冲压模具设计的方法和步骤,掌握冷冲压模具设计的基本的模具技能懂得了怎样分析零件的工艺性,怎样确定工艺方案,了解了模具的基本结构,提高了计算能力,绘图能力,熟悉了规范和标准,同时各科相关的课程都有了全面的复习,独立思考的能力也有了提高。本设计为录音机放音键的模具设计,根据设计零件的尺寸、材料、批量生产等要求,首先分析零件的工艺性,确定冲裁工艺方案及模具结构方案,然后通过工艺设计计算,确定排样和裁板,计算冲压力和压力中心,初选压力机,计算凸、凹模刃口尺寸和公差,最后设计选用零、部件,对压力机进行校核,绘制模具总装草图,以及对模具主要零件的加工工艺规程进行编制。其中在结构设计中,主要对凸模、凹模、凸凹模、定位零件、卸料与出件装置、模架、冲压设备、紧固件等进行了设计,对于部分零部件选用的是标准件,就没深入设计,并且在结构设计的同时,对部分零部件进行了加工工艺分析,最终才完成这篇毕业设计。 关键词:模具;冲裁件;凸模;凹模;凸凹模Abstract In this paper, the application of the lessons learned professional theoretical and practical knowledge in the production of a cold stamping die design practical training in order to develop and improve the ability to work independently, to consolidate and expand the curriculum content learned cold stamping die design, master cold stamping methods and procedures mold design, master cold stamping die mold design skills to understand the basic process of how to analyze the parts, how to determine the process plan, understand the basic structure of the mold, improved computing power, graphics capabilities, familiar with the norms and standards, while subjects related courses have a comprehensive review, the ability of independent thinking has also been improved.The design is for a recorder player die design, according to the size of the design components, materials, mass production, etc., the first part of the process of analysis to determine the blanking process planning and die structure of the program, and then through the process design calculations, determine the nesting and cutting board, calculate the pressure and pressure washed centers, primary presses, computing convex and concave Die Cutting Edge dimensions and tolerances, the final design selection of parts and components, to press for checking, drawing die assembly drawings, as well as Mold processing technology of the main parts to the preparation procedures. In which the structural design, primarily to the punch and die, punch and die, positioning parts, unloading and out of pieces of equipment, mold, pressing equipment, fasteners, etc. has been designed, for the selection of some components are standard parts , there is no in-depth design, and structural design, while some parts for the processing process analysis and ultimately to complete this graduation project. Key words: mold; stamping parts; punch; die; punch and die目录1 序 言-5 1.1 模具行业的发展现状及市场前景-5 1.2 冲压工艺介绍-5 1.3 冲压工艺的种类-6 1.4 冲压行业阻力和障碍与突破-72 冲压件工艺分析-10 2.1材料-10 2.2冲压件质量分析与控制-103 确定工艺方案及参数-12 3.1确定工艺方案-12 3.1.1模具类型-12 3.1.2 卸料方式-12 3.1.3 确定导向方式-13 3.2主要参数-13 3.2.1确定毛坯尺寸-13 3.2.2确定排样方案-14 3.2.3 计算各工序冲压力-14 3.2.4 压力中心的计算-19 3.2.5刃口尺寸计算-204模具零部件设计-25 4.1落料冲孔凹凸模设计-25 4.1.1凸模设计-25 4.1.2凹模设计-26 4.2模柄的设计-28 4.3冲压设备-29 4.3.1压力机的选择-29 4.4凸模固定板设计-31 4.5垫板的设计-31 4.6卸料螺钉的设计-32 4.7模架的设计-33 4.8卸料板的设计-35 4.9 定位装置设计-35 4.10紧固件的选用-36设计总结-37参考文献-38谢辞-391 序 言1.1 模具行业的发展现状及市场前景现代模具工业有“不衰亡工业”之称。世界模具市场总体上供不应求,市场需求量维持在600亿至650亿美元,同时,我国的模具产业也迎来了新一轮的发展机遇。近几年,我国模具产业总产值保持13%的年增长率(据不完全统计,2004年国内模具进口总值达到600多亿,同时,有近200个亿的出口),到2005年模具产值预计为600亿元,模具及模具标准件出口将从现在的每年9000多万美元增长到2005年的2亿美元左右。单就汽车产业而言,一个型号的汽车所需模具达几千副,价值上亿元,而当汽车更换车型时约有80%的模具需要更换。2003年我国汽车产销量均突破400万辆,预计2004年产销量各突破500万辆,轿车产量将达到260万辆。另外,电子和通讯产品对模具的需求也非常大,在发达国家往往占到模具市场总量的20%之多。目前,中国17000多个模具生产厂点,从业人数约50多万。1999年中国模具工业总产值已达245亿元人民币。工业总产值中企业
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