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Chapter seven L/G and standby L/C,L/GStandby L/C,Introduction to L/GContents Basic parties to a bank guaranteeProcedures Types of guarantees,Letter of guarantee,是指担保人应某交易(贸易项下、合约关系、经济关系)的一方当事人之要求,而向交易的另一方担保该交易项下某种责任或义务的履行所做出的在一定期限内承担一定金额支付责任或经济赔偿责任的书面付款保证。 作用: 结算工具:独立的支付手段 信用工具:履约的信用保证和支付的信用保证 性质: 独立性保函(Independent L/G) 从属性保函(Accessory L/G) 管辖的公约: Uniform rules for demand guarantees 1978 ICC325 Uniform rules for contract guarantees 1992 ICC458,Introduction to a L/G,Both based on bank creditDifferences: 适用范围不同; 银行责任不同; 对结算单据的要求不同; 银行承担的风险大小不同; 保函不可转让; 到期地点和有效期不同,Comparison with a L/C,Basic contents,Number and issuing date;The name and address of basic parties ;The type and purpose of the guarantee;The description of background of opening the guarantee and the relative reference number;The value and currency of the guarantee;The duration and expiry date of the guarantee;Obligations and rights of basic parties;The undertaking clause;Arbitration clause,Additional clauses,The validity clause The reduction of the value clauseThe automatic extension clauseInterest clauseNo change or addition clauseReturn clauseNon-negotiable clause,申请人(Applicant)受益人(Beneficiary)担保人(Guarantor)通知行/转递行(Advising/Transmitting Bank)转开行(Reissuing Bank)保兑行(Conforming Bank)反担保人/指示方(Counter-Guarantor/Instructing Party),Parties to a L/G,The applicant applies for the opening of an L/G: application or agreement;evaluation of related transaction or project;collateral or counter guarantee The guarantor bank issues a L/G:direct /indirectClaims and paymentsThe guarantor bank claims for reimbursement from the applicant and the counter guarantorCancellation of a L/G,Procedures,Direct guarantee,Applicant,Guarantor,Beneficiary,Transmittingbank,application,issue,notify,Claims for payment,Claims for reimbursement,Underlying contract,Indirect guarantee,1 投标保函(Tender Guarantee/Bid Bond) 在以招标方式成交的工程建造和物资采购等项目中,银行应招标方的要求具的、保证投标人在招标有效期内不撤标、不改标、中标后在规定时间内签定合同或提交履约保函的书面文件。 适用范围 所有公开招标、议标时,业主要求投标人缴纳投标保证金,避免投标人在评标过程中改标、撤标,或中标后拒签合同而给自身造成损失,以制约对方行为。投标保函是现金保证金的一种良好的替代形式。 利益: 对投标人:减少缴纳现金保证金引起的资金占用 对招标人:维护自身利益;避免收取、退回保证金程序的烦琐。 保函金额多为投标报价的25;开立即生效,直至开标日后一段时间,若投标人中标,保函的有效期自动延长至提交履约保函为止。,Types,Concept and characteristics Contents of a standby L/CTypes Comparison with commercial L/C and L/G,Standby L/C,Standby letter of credit means an issuer on behalf of an applicant that represents an obligation to the beneficiary, pursuant to a complying presentation: to repay money borrowed by, advanced to, for the account of the applicant; or to make payment on account of any indebtedness undertaken by the applicant;or to make payment on account of any default by the applicant in the performance of an obligation.,Irrevocable formindependentdocumentaryStandby,Concept and characteristics,索款要求 demand for payment 可以是汇票或其它指示、命令或付款要求违约或其它提款事由的声明 Statement of Default or Other Drawing Event 适用规则 国际备用证惯例 ISP98, International Standby Practices, ICC Publication No.590,Documents required under a standby L/C:,开证行的名称开证日期开证申请人的名称、地址受益人的名称、地址不可撤销的性质金额、使用的货币对单据的要求到期日保证文句表明适用的惯例,Basic contents,履约备用证 Performance Standby 预付款备用证Advance Payment Standby 投标备用证 Bid Bond/Tender Bond Standby 反担保备用证 Counter Standby 融资备用证 Financial Standby 直接付款备用证 Direct Pay Standby保险备用证 Insurance Standby 商业备用证 Commercial Standby,Types,similarities: based on bank credit; independence; payable by required documents. differences: UCP600 & ISP98; different documents required:the beneficiary only presents a document stating that the applicant has not fulfilled his obligations towards the beneficiary; 作用和用途不同; 议付的做法不同:备用证的开证行尽量避免授权第三者议付 业务处理不同:备用证是备而不用,而跟单信用证是进出口交易中必用的结算工具,Comparison with a commercial L/C,
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