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Unit 3 life in the future reading课时作业一、根据句意和汉语提示写出单词1She shrugged her shoulders in a _(姿态) of impatience.2Ive seen Julie with Jack on several _(场合)3Look!The children are _(滑行) on the ice of the lake.4He got _(醉酒的) on only two glasses of beer.5Lakes,surrounded by _(辽阔的) grasslands,look like jewels.6I live in a _(多山的) area in the northwest.7The teachers clear _(解释) left the students no confusion over that abstract theory.8He likes reading the _(侦探的) novels in particular.9Lucy has a great sense of humor and always keeps her colleagues _(开心的) with her stories.10As we all know,she is a famous _(女演员)二、单项填空1In a low voice,she _ that someone was moving about upstairs.Ashouted to me Bsigned to meCwhispered me Dwhispered to me2How is your patient _ the course of treatment?Areact Breact toCreacting Dreacting to3Since there is no answer to the front door,why not _ at the back door?Atry knocking Btry to knockCto try knocking Dto try to knock4Afterschool activities _ the talent in each of the students.Abring in Bbring outCbring up Dput forward5Anyone,once _ positive for H7N9 flu virus,will receive free medical treatment from our government.Ato be tested Bbeing testedCtested Dto test三、单句改错1The man whispered his wife that they would leave the village._2Children tend to react to their parents by going against their wishes._3Watson failed twice,so he tried the third time._4Sherlock Holmes looked down at the stars in the sky and then asked a question._5The young man tried to cleaning the spot with alcohol,but he failed._四、句型转换1With time going by,she came to understand her teacher._ _ _ by,she came to understand her teacher.2He told me his secret in a whisper.He told me his secret _ _.3The students are content with their progress in English learning.The students _ _ _ their progress in English learning.4We had a good time last night there.We spent an _ night there.5They looked at each other,astonished.They looked at each other _ _.五、完成句子1老师低声地对我说话以免打扰其他同学。The teacher _ _ me in order not to disturb other classmates.2学生们对这本新书反应很好。The students _ very well _ the new book.3你应该努力学会使用电脑。You should _ _ _ how to use a computer.4这个新工作使我把自己最好的方面展现出来。The new job _ _ the best in me.5请把那些杂志摆放整齐。Please put those magazines _ _.六、阅读理解A young couple decided to get married.As the big day drew nearer and nearer,they both grew nervous because each of them had a problem.The bridegroom decided to ask his father for advice.“Dad,”he said,“I love Lily very much,but I have very smelly feet,so Im afraid that she will not put up with them.” His father said,“All you have to do is wash your feet as often as possible,and you should always wear socks,even when you go to bed.” Well,it seemed a workable solution,the young man thought.The young woman turned to her mother.“Mom,”she said,“My morning breath is so bad that Im afraid my new husband will not want to live in the same room with me.I love him.I cant live without him.”Her mother said,“In the morning,get straight out of bed when you wake up,and head for the bathroom and brush your teeth.Dont say any word before you brush your teeth.”The young woman followed her mothers advice.They were finally married in a wonderful ceremony(仪式)Not forgetting the advice each had received,they carefully spent every day.The husband wore his socks every night and the wife kept her mornings silent;they did quite well until about a month later.Just before dawn(黎明),the husband woke only to find that one of his socks was gone!Thinking of the terrible result,he felt frightened at once.He jumped up and began to search the bed for his sock in a hurry.Of course,this made the wife woken.Without thinking,the wife asked,“What on earth are you doing?”The husband stopped in surprise,and then he cried,“Oh,no!You must have swallowed(吞)my sock!”1What troubled the young man before he got married?AHis feet had an unpleasant smell.BHe was unprepared for the big day.CHe was too poor to marry the girl.DHis habit was too bad to be known.2The underlined word “bridegroom” in the first paragraph means “_”Aa man who has a few big troublesBa man who hates to wash his feetCa man who believes his familiesDa man who will get married soon3Why did the husban
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