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Unit 2 Working the land using language课时作业.阅读填句话题难度系数词数建议用时科普知识23310How Music Affects TeensMusic is something that every person has his or her own specific opinion about._1_.And various types of music have many ways of affecting someone.It can be relaxing,angering,and many more._2_ Rap,pop,rock,country are some of the abundant types in the world.Music sends out either good or bad messages that have big effects on how people act.People usually become friends with others who have the same taste in music.Rap and Rock music are two very important types of music in the world._3_ The lyrics sung or rapped by the artists can be things going on in their own personal lives.Music can also serve as a catalyst for new ideas.When people listen to the new things,they learn different things going on in the world._4_People can use music to express themselves,in ways it cant be expressed through behavior,or art._5_ Its a tool used by many.Groups of people around the world can come together and gather at concerts to show what their interests and likings are.I can personally relate to the effects that music has on its listeners and users because its a big part of my life.The music I listen to makes me who I am.ADifferent people have different tastes.BThere are so many types of music out there today.CThey both send out different messages.DPeople may not want to associate with people who have different tastes in music.ELots of people come to the conclusion that rap music has a big effect on the world.FAnd they become more openminded because theyre exposed to different people like the artists.GYou can usually tell how someones feeling by the music he or she is listening to at the time.语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了不同的音乐对于青少年的影响。1解析:选A该句考查上下文的衔接。故根据上下文中的“every person has his or her own specific opinion about.”和“And various types of music have many ways of affecting someone.”可知,不同的人对音乐有不同的品味。故选A项。2解析:选B考查段首句。故根据下文的“Rap,pop,rock,country are some of the abundant types in the world.”可知,此处所谈论的是不同的音乐类型。故选B项。3解析:选C考查上下文的衔接。根据上下文中的“Rap and Rock music”和“The lyrics sung or rapped by the artists.”可知,此处应描述谈论到的两种音乐,故选C项。干扰项为E项,因为提及了“rap music”,但是只提及了一种音乐,故排除。4解析:选F根据上文的“Music can also serve as a catalyst for new ideas.”可知,该题应选F项。因为只有该项与“new ideas”有关。5解析:选G根据上文的“People can use music to express themselves.”以及G项中的“.tell how someones feeling by the music.”可知,该题选G项。.完形填空话题难度系数词数建议用时个人情况35318(2018郑州模拟)The journey my daughter Cathy has had with her swimming is as long as it is beautiful.Cathy suffered some terrible _1_ in her early childhood.After years of regular treatment,she _2_ became healthy.Two years ago,while Cathy was watching the Olympics,a dream came into her sweet little headto be a swimmer.Last summer,she wanted to _3_ our local swim team.She practiced hard and finally _4_ it.The team practice,_5_,was a rough start.She coughed and choked and could hardly _6_ her first few weeks.Hearing her coughing bitterly one night,I decided to _7_ her from it all.But Cathy woke me up early next morning,wearing her swimsuit _8_ to go!I told her she shouldnt swim after a whole nights coughing,but she refused to _9_ and insisted she go.From that day on,Cathy kept swimming and didnt _10_ a single practice.She had a _11_ intention within herself to be the best she could be.My tenyearold was growing and changing right before my eyes,into this _12_ human being with a passion and a mission.There were moments of _13_ of course:often she would be the last swimmer in the race.It was difficult for Cathy to accept that she wasnt a _14_ ever.But that didnt stop her from trying.Then came the final awards ceremony at the end of the year.Cathy didnt expect any award but was still there to _15_ her friends and praise their accomplishments.As the ceremony was nearing the end,I suddenly heard the head coach _16_,“The highest honor goes to Cathy!”Looking around,he continued,“Cathy has inspired us with her _17_ and enthusiasm._18_ skills and talents bring great success,the most valuable asset(财富)one can hold is the heart.”It was the greatest _19_ of my daughters life.With all she had been _20_ in her ten years,this was the hour of true triumph(成功)语篇解读小时候身患重病,经过多年的治疗后最终康复的作者的女儿下决心成为一名游泳健将,艰苦的训练和不尽如人意的成绩并没有使她退缩,最终她的意志力以及热情使她获得了最高的荣誉。1A.failureBpressureClossDillness解析:选D根据下句话“After years of regular treatment,she _2_ became healthy”可知,Cathy小时候身患重病(illness)。2A.usuallyBfinallyCfirstlyDfrequently解析:选B根据前半句“After years of regular treatment”可推知,Cathy最终(finally)康复了。3A.improveBtrainCjoinDcontact解析:选C根据空后的“our local swim team”可知,此处表示她想加入我们当地的游泳队,故应用join表示“加入”。4A.increasedBfoundCcreatedDmade解析:选D根据下文的内容可知,此处指女儿最终成功地加入了游泳队。make it表示“获得成功”,为固定用法。5A.howeverBthereforeCotherwiseDinstead解析:选A前句讲到作者的女儿最终成功加入了游泳队,后文则提及游泳练习很艰苦
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