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Unit 1 friendship using language课时作业.根据句意,用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空consist oftradefreeimportmarkpretendhidebookdresswander1The woman manager ordered her secretary to_ a ticket to Qingdao.答案:book2His feet left dirty_ all over the floor.答案:marks3The company has been_ in cotton with a foreign one.答案:trading4For years he has formed the bad habit of_ about in the street deep in the night.答案:wandering5She_ her feelings by covering her face with her hands.答案:hid6The well_ young man turned out to be a thief.答案:dressed7Many countries_ oil from the Middle East.答案:import8Little Tom stood up, opened his notebook and_ that he had understood everything. In fact, it was quite different.答案:pretended9A committee_ nine members has been sent there to look into the matter.答案:consisting of10Women have gained total_ to decide whether or not to marry.答案:freedom.单项填空1Have you telephoned your father?Yes. He _ to be back next month.A. will expectB. will be expectedC. is expected D. expects答案与解析:C句意:你给你父亲打电话了?打过了。他要到下个月才回来。根据句意判断答案是C项。2It is reported that a foreign company will _ the small factory.A. think over B. take overC. turn over D. hand over答案与解析:Bthink over仔细考虑;take over接管;turn over翻倒;倾覆;hand over交出;送交。根据句意判断答案是B项。3The surface of the table _ smooth enough.A. hasnt felt B. doesnt feelC. isnt feeling D. isnt felt答案与解析:Bfeel作连系动词,“(客体)给人某种感觉;(摸上去)给人(某种)手感”,后面接形容词作表语,其否定式构成要用dont, doesnt,didnt等。4The AntiJapanese War _ in 1937 and it _ eight years.A. was broken out;lasted B. B. broke out;lastedC. break out;lasts D. broke out;last答案与解析:B句意:抗日战争在1937年爆发,这次战争持续了8年。根据句意判断答案是B项。5I picked up a dictionary in the school yard yesterday _ with name and class.A. marking B. to markC. marked D. being marked答案与解析:C本题考查分词作定语:动词mark与名词book之间存在动宾关系,故用过去分词marked。6Tom found a_ place in the trees to keep himself_ from the enemy.Ahiding; hidden Bhidden; hidingChide; hid Dhid; hidden答案与解析:Aa hiding place“藏身之处”,hiding是动名词,hidden作宾补表状态。7Finally, the teacher made a closing remark, _to the class discussion.A. coming to an end B. putting an endC. ending up D. making an end答案与解析:Bput an end tobring sth. an end结束。8My daughter has been admitted into a worldfamous university._.AGood BCelebrationsCCongratulations DOK答案与解析:C交际英语,“祝贺你”congratulations用复数。9Did you go to the party last night?Yes. But it is a pity that I had to leave when _ was coming for an urgent thing.A. the beginning B. the high spotC. the end D. the middle答案与解析:B句意:遗憾的是高潮来临之时,因为紧急的事情我不得不离开。理解句意可判断答案是B项:the high spot意为“高潮;要点;最重要(或引人入胜)的部分。10_to go out for a walk?Id rather not. Besides, it is raining outside.A. Would you like B. Do you feel likeC. Would you rather D. Had you be答案与解析:AWould you like.?是用来礼貌地询问对方的意愿,是否“想要”或委婉地提出请求、建议或者陈述个人的想法。第一人称也可以用should like。should/would like与动词want同义,但语气比want更委婉,更礼貌。11These kinds of shoes _ well.A. were not sold B. wont be soldC. are not sold D. dont sell答案与解析:D句意:这些类鞋子卖得不好。英语中有些动词如sell,write等虽是及物动词,但由于表示的是状态或关系,通常不用于被动语态。12They lost heart two years ago, _ their hopes _ now.A. so;lived B. but;livedC. so;revived D. but;revive答案与解析:D句意:他们两年前丧失信心,但是现在他们的信心有恢复起来。revive vi.“恢复精力,复元;恢复生机”。13Have you moved into the house?Not yet. The rooms _.A. are being painted B. are paintingC. are painted D. are being painting答案与解析:A理解句意可判断“房子正在粉刷”,故空格处应填动词的现在进行时的被动语态形式。14The person who _ this type of research gets our praise.A. originated B. generatedC. manufactured D. estimated答案与解析:A句意:发起这种研究的这个人得到了我们大家的称赞。根据句意可判断答案是A项:originate vt,“创始;发明;创作”。15The picnic _ at last after being twice put off.A. came up B. put onC. came off D. went on答案与解析:Ccome up开始,发生;put on上演,演出;come off举行,发生;(计划等)成功;达到预期效果(或结果);go on继续下去;(时间)过去;发生。.完成/翻译句子1. When a young woman _(装扮成鸽子 ) flies to the ground, it marks the beginning of the celebrations.答案:dressed (up) as a dove2The castle _(追溯到) 5 BC.答案:dates back to3林肯废除了美国的奴隶制。(abolish)答案:Lincoln abolished slavery in the United States.4狂欢节前夕,所有的旅馆都被订光了。(book)答案:Hotels are fully booked before carnival.5Those who choose to be happy must help others to find happiness, for the welfare of each is bound up with the welfare of all.答案:那些想要快乐的人必须帮别人找到快乐,因为每个人的幸福都是和所有人的幸福紧密相连的。.完形填空 Christmas was a quiet affair when I was growing up. There were just my parents and _1_. I wished that someday Id _2_ and have six children, and at _3_ my house would be full of _4_ and love. I found the _5_ who shared my dream, but we had not _6_ the possibility of inferti
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