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科目:英语 教师 授课时间:第 周 星期 年 月 日 单元(章节)课题Unit 5 Cultural relics本节课题来源:学+科+网Z+X+X+KExercises(2)课标要求Get students to learn and use language points in this unit freely.三维目标1.Get the Ss to review the language points of this unit.2.Improve the Ss ability of using language.3. Strengthen the Ss ability of using language points better.学情分析Students have learnt key language points but some students may not use them correctly.教学重难点How to use the language points in exercises.来源:学科网ZXXK提炼的课题Deal with the exercises on reference book.教学手段运用教学资源选择报纸、课本、分层作业教 学 过 程环节学生要解决的问题或任务教师教与学生学设计意图Step1Lead-in1. Dictate the important words and expressions in the text.Ask some students write the words and expressions on the blackboard.Check the students homework to see whether they have remember the words by heart.Step2Exercise2. Give Ss five minutes to discuss their answers in groups.Students can solid their knowledge by doing the related exercises.Get students to master the useful expressions in this unit and use them correctly.Step3Checking来源:学*科*网1.Ss show their answers groups by groups.来源:Z&xx&k.Com2.For some points which the Ss find difficult, help them to give more examples to solid their understanding. Teacher evaluates the Ss answers and give some explanation if necessary.Improve students ability of speaking and talking in English课检测内容单元综合测评(一)Part4课后作业布置Finish the rest exercises on page134-136 in 课时分层作业预习内容布置Preview words and expressions in Unit1 of book2.
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