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LEAD-IN,READING AND WRITING,LISTENING AND SPEAKING,LANGUAGE IN USE,LIFE AND CULTURE,SELF-CHECK,UNIT TASK,WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS,FUN TIME,Lead-in,Lead-in,Tick the things you do with the Internet.,Lead-in,chat with friends,send and receive emails,download music and films,learn English,watch films,listen to music,play computer games,buy things,search for information,learn how to use software,read novels,read news,Match the sentences.,Lead-in,Listening and speaking,Listening and speaking,Listen and answer the questions.,He is doing a Survey. Its about using the Internet.,Listening and speaking,Listen again and complete the survey for Wang Yang.,Listening and speaking,Yes, I do.,about 5 hours every day,play computer games and chat with my friends,No, I dont.,Read aloud after the tape and underline.,Ken: Emily: Ken: Emily: Ken: Emily:,Excuse me, I am Ken. Im doing a survey. May I ask you a few questions? Sure. What is it about? Well, its about using the Internet. Do you often go online? Yes, I do. How long do you spend online every day? Well, about 1 hour every day.,Listening and speaking,Read aloud after the tape and underline.,Ken: Emily: Ken: Emily: Ken: Emily:,What do you usually do online? I send emails and read the news. Do you use the Internet to learn English? Yes, sometimes. Ive found several good websites. Well, you can join our computer club. We can introduce more useful websites to you. Sounds interesting. Maybe I will join you. Thanks.,Listening and speaking,Interview your partner and compare answers.,Listening and speaking,Work in groups and discuss.,Listening and speaking,Everyday English,Do you often go online? How much time do you spend online every day? What do you usually do online? You have to register. Do you really want to log out? Sorry, the password is wrong. Try again.,你经常上网吗? 你每天上网花多长时间? 你一般上网做些什么? 你需要注册。 你真的要登出吗? 对不起,密码错误,请再试一次。,Listening and speaking,Reading and writing,Reading and writing,Discuss the following statements.,Reading and writing,Reading and writing,Discuss the following statements.,Reading and writing,Welcome to this forum. Lets imagine our future lives. As long as technology develops, our lives will be more convenient. Every family will have a robot. They will do all the housework for us. Well have more time to work and study. 2009-8-8 19:31,New Topic: What will our future life be like?,Read and match.,Reading and writing,I dont agree with the host. Maybe computers will rule our lives! We may become lazy if we have robots to do everything for us. And well talk more with virtual friends and talk less with our real friends. I dont want to talk with a computer every day! 2009-8-8 19:52,New Topic: What will our future life be like?,Reading and writing,Well, Im afraid I dont quite agree with Denny. I think Emma is right. Computers will make our lives more colorful. We can do lots of fun things online. If we want to buy food, we can “taste” it through special software. If we want to read, we can download e-books. Computers are our friends unless you use them in the wrong way. 2009-8-8 20:17,New Topic: What will our future life be like?,Read and match.,Reading and writing,Emma Denny Tina,Computers will make our lives more colorful. Computers will make our lives more convenient. Computers will rule our lives.,Read again and tick the reasons.,Reading and writing,Our lives will be more convenient because,we will all have robots in our homes.,we will talk with computers every day.,Read again and tick the reasons.,Reading and writing,We will become lazy because,we will read e-books.,robots will do everything for us.,Read again and tick the reasons.,Reading and writing,Our lives will be more colorful because,we can do lots of fun things online.,we have more time to study.,Discuss your opinions.,Reading and writing,Reading and writing,I agree with Emma. Computers will make our lives more comfortable._ _ _ _ 2009-8-8 21:00,Now complete the posts based on your discussion.,Robots can do all the housework. We can download music and movies. We can send e-mails to friends.,Reading and writing,I disagree with Emma. Computers will rule our lives._ _ _ _ 2009-8-8 21:00,Now complete the posts based on your discussion.,We dont do housework and become lazy. Many children spend too much time on computer games. We no longer visit our friends.,Language in use,Language in use,Grammar focus,Language in use,Match the sentences.,Language in use,Interview your partner with the following questions.,Language in use,Interview your partner with the following questions.,Language in use,Complete the sentences.,Language in use,Vocabulary practice,Match the words with their collocations.,
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