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基础知识自测,重点词汇讲练,写作句型仿写,基础知识自测,一、单词拓展 (A)单词派生,1. _ vt. 保护 _ n. 保护,protect,protection,2. _ n.仁慈;宽恕 _ adj.仁慈的;怜悯的 3. _ n. 重要性 _adj. 重要的,importance,important,mercy,merciful,4. _ vi. 成功; vt. 继承; 接任 _ n. 成功 _ adj. 成功的 _ adj. 不成功的,succeed,success,successful,unsuccessful,5. _ n. /vt. 损害; 伤害; 危害 _ adj. 有害的 _ adj. 无害的,harm,harmful,harmless,(B)灵活运用 用所给词的适当形式填空。,1. The _ (protect) of wildlife has become urgent because more and more animals are dying out. 在theof sth.结构中, 需要一个名词。,protection,3. Most of the students _ (success) passed the exam in the end. 修饰动词passed, 故用副词。,2. The _ (mercy) king saved the poor old man. 修饰名词king, 故用形容词。,successfully,merciful,4. The old man told his son that he should realize the _ (important) of saving. 在theof sth.结构中, 需要一个名词。,5. It is _ (harm) to smoke too much. 作表语, 结合意思可知应填harmful。,importance,harmful,二、短语翻译,1. _ 在危险中; 垂危 2. _ 如释重负; 松了口气 3. _ 突然笑起来 4. _ 注意,pay attention to,in danger (of),in relief,burst into laughter,5. _ 形成; 产生 6. _ 按照; 根据所说 7. _ 灭亡; 逐渐消失 8. _ 以至于; 结果,so that,come into being,according to,die out,9. _ 和平地;和睦地 10. _ 保护不受 11. _ 渴望做某事 12. _ 被用来做,be used to do,in peace,protect .from,long to do sth.,三、语篇填空,Many animals have disappeared during the long history of the earth. 1 _ most famous of these animals are dinosaurs. They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago, long 2 _ humans came into being and their future seemed secure at that time. There were many 3 _ (difference) kinds of dinosaur and a number of 4 _(they) used to live in China.,them,different,before,The,Not long ago a rare new species of bird-like dinosaur 5 _ (discover) in Chaoyang County, Liaoning Province. When scientists inspected the bones, they were surprised 6 _ (find) that these dinosaurs could not only run like the others but also climb 7 _ (tree).,trees,to find,was discovered,Dinosaurs died out suddenly about 65 million years ago. Some scientists think it came after an 8 _ (expect) incident when a huge rock from space hit the earth and put too much dust into the air. 9 _ think the earth got too hot for the dinosaurs to live on any more. Nobody knows for sure 10 _ and how dinosaurs disappeared from the earth in such a short time.,why,Others,unexpected,1. The 最高级前用the。 2. before 指在人类出现很久之前。 3. different 在名词kinds前作定语,用形容词。 4. them 作介词of的宾语,用宾格。 5. was discovered 主语与discover是被动关系,又与ago连用,可知用一般过去时的被动语态。,6. to find 在作表语和补语的形容词后作状语只能用不定式。 7. trees 名词复数表示泛指。 8. unexpected 指“突如其来的”事件。 9. Others 与上面的Some scientists相对。 10. why 指没有人确切知道为什么又是怎么样恐龙在地球上消失的。,五、语段改错,The flown carpet travelled so fast that next minute they were in Zimbabwe. Daisy turned down and found that she was being watched by an elephant. “Have you come to take your photo?” it asked.,In a relief Daisy burst into laughing. “Dont laugh,” said the elephant, “We used to be an endangered species. Farmers hunted us with mercy. They said we destroied their farms, and money from tourists only went to the large tour companies.,So the government decided help. They allowed tourists to hunt only the certain number of animals whether they paid the farmers. Now the farmers are happy and our numbers are increasing.”,1. flown flying 表示“正在飞行的”。 2. turned down turned around / round 意为“转过身来”。 3. your my 意思是:你来给“我”拍照? 4. 删除In a relief 中的a 因in relief是固定词组,意为“如释重负”。 5. laughing laughter 习惯上说burst into laughter或burst out laughing。因此,也可不改laughing,而将into改为out。,6. with without 因without mercy 意为“毫不留情”。 7. destroied destroyed 拼写错误。 8. 在decided后加to 由decide to do sth.可知。 9. the certain number of a certain number of 意为“一定数量的”。 10. whether if 引出条件状语从句,意为“如果”。,重点词汇讲练,1. appreciate vt. 欣赏;感激;意识到 例句 You should pay more attention to the rainforest where I live and appreciate how the animals live together.你们应该关注我生活的热带雨林,并且懂得热带雨林的动物是如何在一起生活的。,用法 appreciate 一般用名词、代词或动名词充当宾语,但不能接不定式作宾语。,注意 appreciate和thank都可表示“感激,感谢”,但appreciate的宾语是sth. ,而thank的宾语是sb.。,运用 填入一个适当的词或按提示完成句子。 The sound quality was poor so we couldnt fully_ (欣赏音乐) I would much appreciate _ if you could come to my party.,appreciate the music,it,appreciate your helping us/ thank you for helping us /are grateful to you for helping us, We _ _ _ (感谢你帮助我们),2. succeed vi. 成功 vt. 接替; 继任 例句 What must be done if wildlife protection is to succeed? 如果野生动物保护要成功的话,我们必须要做些什么?,succeed in doing sth.成功做某事 be successful in doing sth.成功做某事,搭配,运用 根据提示完成句子。 The astronauts_ (成功返回) from the moon to the earth according to the plan.,succeeded in returning, He_ (接替他父亲) as presid
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