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回归原文找依据的两种方法,不论哪种类型的阅读理解题,在文中都可以找到依据,因此,回归原文找到依据是正确解题的重要保证。找依据有两种方法: 1.特征词定位语:在题干中挑出能帮你迅速找到原文的词,常见的有人名、地名、时间、数字,缩略词、序数词、最高级等。 2.命题顺序原则:命题者往往会依据信息点在文中出现的先后依次命制各个小题。 有时用其中一种方法可找到,有的要结合两种方法才可找到。以下四选一阅读的第1题就是,一、四选一阅读,1. The writer had been left on the island because_. A. the captain had deserted him B. he wanted to explore the island C. his ship had crashed in the storm D. his ship had broken down in the shallow water,1. C 细节理解题。由第一段第二句中“My only companion was a dog called Philly which had survived the shipwreck.”可知,作者和狗是船只失事后幸存下来的。故选C。,2. Which of the following statements is true about the dog Philly? A. He was friendly but aggressive. B. He was also a survival of the shipwreck. C. He had been brought to the ship by the writer. D. He was left alone while the writer went for food.,2. B 细节理解题。同1题答案出处一样。故选B。,3. The womapointed her spear at the fruit tree intending to tell the n writer that. A. the fruits were not the best choice B. the fruits were unfit for food C. he was prohibited to pick the fruits D. the fruit tree was dangerous,3. B 细节理解题。由第三段最后两句中“Then, I saw that she was trying to save us. Pointing her spear at the fruit tree, she shook her head strongly.”她正尽可能地救我们。用她的长矛指着果树,使劲的摇头。可知答案。故选B。,Thank you!,
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