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经自查我局不存在应列未列单位账户、账簿的各类财政性资金,不存在套取财政性资金设立“小金库”或隐瞒、转移、私分国有资产和财政性资金等问题。Unit 3 How often do you g hiking?第一课时一、教学目标:1、知识目标:认读单词once, twice,three times,go fishing,go dancing,Go hiing, go ice-skating, goswimming.2、能力目标:Listen and say3、情感目标:鼓励学生大胆开口说英语。二、教学内容:Vocabulary , Target ,Listen and sing.三、教学重难点:重点是认记单词,难点是在实际情景中运用单词。四、课前准备:录音机 词卡 教具五、教学过程: 1、Warm up: sing a song. How often do you go fishing?Revision: How do you get to school? I often get to school by bike.Do you ever take a taxi to school? No, I never take a taxi to school. 2、Let the Ss look at the pictures. T: What are youdoing? S: I am reading about hiking.T: Do you like hiking?S: Yes, I love hiking.T: How often do you go hiking?S: I go hiking twice a month.Write How often do you go ? Very often. I go about once a week. on the blackboard.3、把新单词once, twice,three times,go fishing,go dancing,Go hiing,go ice-skating,go swimming套进以上句型中操练。Play the tape a few times, pausing after each sentence for Ss to repeat. And then pair works. 4、 Its time to chant. Play the tape and point to each word as it is chanted. Divide the Ss into two groups, play the tape again to hace Ss practice chanting. Have one group chant the questions and the other group chants the answers. Have Ss read out the lyrics and fill in the blanks. Then have Ss practice chanting with the new lyrics. Play the music. Ss chant the original lyrics and then add the new lyrics. 5、游戏复习单词。6、Homework: (1)朗读课文单词三遍。 (2)用How often do you ?互相问答。六、板书设计: Unit 3 How often do you g hiking?How often do you go ? Very often. I go about once a week.once, twice,three times,go fishing,go dancing,Go hiing,go ice-skating,g swimming.七、教学反思:学生比较难掌握频率副词的用法。第二课时一、教学目标:1、知识目标:能够掌握三会语言:How often do you go fishing? Very often. I gofishing about once a week.How often do you eat fish? Not very often.I eat fish about once a year.2、能力目标:Listen and say3、情感目标:鼓励学生大胆开口说英语。二、教学内容:conversation , Target ,Listen and sing.三、教学重难点:三会句型,难点是How often 句型。四、课前准备:录音机 单词 教具五、教学过程: 1、Warm up: chant togetherRevision: How often do you go fishing? Very often. I go fishing about once a week.How often do you eat fish? Not very often.I eat fish about once a year.2、让学生观看VCD,了解课文的大概内容。3、就以下问题展开问答:T: What are youdoing? S: I am reading about hiking.T: Do you like hiking?S: Yes, I love hiking.T: How often do you go hiking?S: I go hiking twice a month.板书重点句型:How often do you go hiking? I go hiking about three times a month. 4、让学生就How often do you?句型作问答。5、让学生就课文内容展开对话,以四人小组为单位。6、学生就课文内容作表演。六、Homework: (1)朗读课文三遍。 (2)用 How often do you?句型作问答。七、板书设计: Unit 3 How often do you g hiking?How often do you go hiking? I go hiking about three times a month. 八、教学反思:学生比较难掌握单词的运用,需要多读多用。第三课时一、教学目标:1、认知目标:语音和单词 girl, T-shirt, purse, pearl, skirt, nurse.2、能力目标:Listen and say3、情感目标:鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,运用英语交际.二、教学内容:Practice Activity1 Sounds and words三、教学重难点:重点是认记单词,能拼读单词。四、课前准备:录音机 单词卡 五、教学过程:1、复习单词once, twice, three times, go fishing, go dancing, go hiing,go ice-skating, go swimming.引出句子: How often do you go fishing/? I go fishing twice a week./2、Free talk 3、完成Practice1 Practice2 4、 Listen ,point and say.girl, T-shirt, purse, pearl, skirt, nurse.学会ir, ur字母组合的发音及有关的单词。5、 Listen and chant: Whos that girl?6、Game 小组比赛,运用所学的语言。7、完成该单元的有关练习。8、Homework: 1)听录音跟读P.20 2)预习下一单元。六、板书设计: Unit 3 How often do you g hiking?girl, T-shirt, purse, pearl, skirt, nurse.七、教学反思: 让学生掌握更多的拼读规则。经自查我局不存在违规接待、超标准接待和用公款购买赠送礼品、有价证券等问题;不存在借各种名义变相安排公务接待,或内部接待公私不分,违规公款吃喝、公款消费、
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