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八年级(下)Units 78 词汇和短语一、单项选择( C)1. (2017吉林中考改编)Its_ known that more and more foreigners are learning Chinese culture now.Apolitely BloudlyCwidely Dcarefully ( C)2. (2017德州中考)Sam is doing some_about the ancient Silk Road.Aexercise B.operationsCresearch D.experiments( B)3. (2017上海中考)The headmaster introduced_to the German visitors before the welcome party. Awe Bus Cour Dours( C)4.Ive spent the whole afternoon reading books.I think youd better go out and get some_ air. Abad B.thickCfresh Dheavy ( C)5.Dreams are beautiful.However,to_them needs lots of time and work.Adiscover B.find Cachieve D.stop( C)6.The school network will be shut down for safety reasons.That doesnt_ me at all. Im not a networm anyway.Asatisfy B.surpriseCworry D.include( C)7.Finding information is not a big deal today.Well,the_is how we can tell whether the information is useful or not.Acourage B.messageCchallenge D.knowledge( D)8.Why are you looking_ in class all day?Because I cant finish my homework until eleven every night. Aawake B.asleepC.sleeping D.sleepy( C)9.Please be patient(有耐心)_ of the story,the writer showed his own opinion. AIn the end BBy the end CAt the end DAt the beginning( A)10.Ma Yun, the Chairperson of Alibaba Group,has made much money_ the Internet.Athrough Balong Cacross Dtowards( C)11. (2017东营中考)WeChat Pay(微信支付) makes our life convenient.We can buy things_ we dont take any money. Aunless Bbecause Ceven if Dso that( A)12.(2017贵港中考)I didnt see Molly last week._I know,she has gone to Singapore. AAs far as BAs long as CAs soon as DAs often as( A)13.(2017凉山中考改编)Last week,five _ students took part in the sports meeting in our school.Ahundred Bhundreds ofCthousands Dhundreds 二、(2017包头中考改编)词语运用Dick was a smart young man whose parents were not rich.He had to work in his 1.spare_time.He managed to go to university, but it was so expensive to study there 2._that_he found it necessary to get at 3._least_(little)two parttime jobs at the same time so as to make sure that he could get 4.enough_ money for his studies.One summer he got 5._a_ job in a shop which sold meat during the daytime and another job in a hospital at 6.night_.On the one hand, in the shop,he 7._learned_(learn) to cut down meat quite nicely.In the hospital,he was only allowed to do some simple work,such 8._as_ helping to lift people and to carry them from one part of the hospital to another. Both in the shop 9.and_at the hospital,Dick had to wear white clothes. One evening at the hospital,Dick was asked to look after a woman.When he entered the room,the woman was 10._surprised_(surprise)“I wonder how you could find me here,” the woman said.“I forgot to pay for the meat I bought yesterday and went home directly,but I didnt do that on purpose.”
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