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单元重难点题组训练题组一. be able to与can的辨析I. 单项选择。( ) 1. I am sorry that I _ able to phone you yesterday. 来源:学优高考网gkstk A. can B. cant C. was D. was not ( ) 2. _ you play the guitar at the age of 11?Yes, I could. I believe I will _ play better in the future. A. Can; be able to B. Could; be able to C. Were able to; could D. Could; could ( ) 3. Bob is a clever boy. He _ swim when he was six years old. A. can B. was able C. cant D. was able to 来源:学优高考网gkstk. 根据句意,用be able to的适当形式填空。4. The kid walk when he was ten months old.5. She hopes to find the differences between the two cars.6. You will dance well in two years.7. They not finish the work last time.8. I think the young man succeed.题组二promise的用法I. 单项选择。( ) 1. How will you spend your summer vacation? My mother _ to take me to Mount Huang three days ago.A. asked B. promised C. answered D. moved( ) 2. Mike, I have to tell you that I will use my bike tomorrow. Dont worry about that! I to return your bike on time. A. promise B. keep C. ask D. improve ( ) 3. I wont have time to go shopping with you this afternoon. But you _ me yesterday. A. ordered B. knew C. let D. promised来源:学优高考网gkstkII.根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。4.你一定要遵守诺言。 You must _ your _.2.每个人都应当为来年做一些承诺。 Everyone should _ _ _ for the coming year. 3.别担心,我按照你说的做就是了。 Dont worry. I _ _ _ just as you say. 题组三 discuss的用法I. 单项选择。( ) 1. What are they doing? Theyre _ the question. A. talking B. fighting C. discussing D. losing ( ) 2. The police are _ how to save the people from the tall building. A. discussing B. acting C. standing D. sharing ( ) 3. Lets together how to get to the top of the mountain. A. discuss B. act C. stand D. hope . 根据所给提示完成句子,每空一词。4. Miss Wang asked two students to report the result of their (discuss).5.我想和你一起讨论你的工作。 I want to _ your work _ you. 6.他们商讨卖房一事。 They _ _ the house. 题组四write down的用法I. 单项选择。( ) 1. The information is very important. You should _. Thank you. I will. A. write it down B. write them down C. write down it D. write down them ( ) 2. _ your telephone number on the piece of paper, please. A. Put down B. Write down C. Write to D. Listen to ( ) 3. Mr. Green wants to know your name. Please _ on the paper. A. write it down B. write down it C. write them down D. write down them . 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。4.请记下你的名字和电话号码。 Please _ _ your name and phone number.5.奶奶需要记下她想买的东西,否则她可能忘记一些东西。Grandma needs to _ _ what she wants to buy, or she may forget something.单元重难点题组训练一. be able to与can的辨析I. 1-3DBD II. 4. was able to 5. be able to 6. be able to 7. were; able to 8 is able to 二promise的用法来源:学优高考网gkstkI.1-3BADII. 2. keep; promise 2. make some promises 3. promise to do 三 discuss的用法I. 1-3CAAII. 4. discussion 5. discuss; with 6. discussed selling 四write down的用法I. 1-3ABA来源:学优高考网II. 4. write down 5. write down
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