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Self CheckI.单项选择。(选出与句子画线部分意义最相近的一项)( )1.Where did you go yesterday, Rick?I went to see a _ because I had a cold.A. teacher B. doctorC. reporter D. driver( )2. Mom, the desk is too _ to _. A. heavy; move B. heavily; moving C. heavy; moving D. heavily; move ( )3. Its not good to ask questions about someones _ life. A. busy B. simple C. personal D. healthy ( )4.I _ my uncle in Shanghai this summer vacation and I want to have a cool vacation there.A.visit B. visitedC.am going to visit D.visits( )5.She is going to take up a new hobby.A.bring B.go upC.have D.give up( )6.Shes going to study _ because she wants to be a doctor.来源:gkstk.ComA.music B.medicineC.cooking D.painting( )7. Why are you going to join an English club this year? Because Id like to _ my English. A. question B. promise C. improve D. win ( )8.The physics problem is really hard. Lets _ it.A. question B. improveC. promise D. discuss( )9.Im going to write a book when I retire.That sounds _ a good idea.A. like B.asC.about D.of( )10.I dont agree _ you.I think she has something to do _ it.A.to;about B.with;withC.with;to D.to;aboutII.词汇运用。来源:gkstk.ComA)根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。11. The doctor asked me to take this _(药) twice a day. 来源:学优高考网gkstk12. Enough sleep is necessary for us to have _(身体的) health. 13. She got a good _(教育) when she was young. 14. Living in a _(外国的) country is difficult for her. 15. I read a lot every day to _(改善) my writing skills. B)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。16. Mr. White visits his parents _ (week). 17. You can guess the _ (mean) of the word before looking it up in the dictionary. 18. Different people have different _(hobby), such as reading and watching films. 19. After seeing the movie, many kids want to be _ (science).20.Wu Bin is a great bus _ (drive). He saved all the people on the bus.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。21.学生们在九月初去上学。 Students go to school _ _ _ _ September.来源:学优高考网gkstk22.他总是许诺,却从不守信。He always _ _ but never keeps them.23.你刚才讲的我都同意。I quite _ _ everything you said just now.24.汤姆七岁的时候就能踢足球了。Tom _ _ _ play football when he was seven.25.不同的食物也许和不同的文化有关。 Different food may _ _ _ _ different cultures.完形填空。Roger lived in Kentucky. He 26 in a poor family of seven children. He always dreamt of having a Chevy car, 27 he didnt have enough money to buy it. One day, his 8-year-old 28 , Mike, promised him that he would buy him the car on his 57th birthday. Many years past, Roger 29 Mikes promise.Then the day came.On Rogers 57th birthday, he was trying to fix (固定)something. Mike asked him to look in the garage (车库). When he looked up, he saw his dream car was there. The old man was both surprised and 30 .Mike said “happy birthday” to him, and he gave Mike a big hug (拥抱). Mike then gave his father the 31 and his dad got into his new car after touching it and giving it a kiss. He didnt remember Mikes promise and 32 thought he would have this car.Mike worked very 33 to get enough money. And in the end, he was 34 to buy the car. He chose the car two years ago and put it in the garage. Then he waited to give his father the surprise.Children can make great promises and make them become real. Mike 35 his promise and Rogers dream came true. So, whats your promise and how are you going to keep it?( )26. A. grew up B. made upC. felt like D. died of( )27. A. so B. andC. but D. because( )28. A. brother B. cousinC. son D. friend( )29. A. remembered B. forgotC. found D. lost( )30. A. tired B. boredC. talented D. touched( )31. A. seats B. keysC. reasons D. tickets( )32. A. always B. neverC. ever D. often( )33. A. happily B. easilyC. hard D. cheaply( )34. A. able B. difficultC. similar D. popular( )35. A. sent B. agreedC. kept D. questionedV.阅读理解。NameHobbyDreamHow to make his / her dream come trueTedMusicBe a popular singerPractice singing in the school music club and take part in the citys 12th singing competition next yearKatrinaDancingWork as a dancer in LondonGo to the dancing club to practice dancingIsabelPlaying sportsBe a runner in the national teamJoin a sports club this termHectorTravelingWork as a doctor in BeijingGo to China to study Chinese medicine next yearBobPlaying sportsBe a great basketball player like Lin ShuhaoJoin a basketball club and exercise every day( )36. Katrina wants to work as a in En
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