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,河北中考重难点突破population的用法【满分点拨】population的用法:,population人口不可数名词对人口的数量进行提问时,常用what,而不用how much。population作主语时,谓语用单数形式。population和分数、百分数一起构成短语作主语,则谓语要用复数形式。有形容词修饰时,其前可用a。表示人口的“多/少”用large/small。What is the population of China?中国有多少人口?80% of the population in China are farmers.中国百分之八十的人口是农民。India has a large population.印度人口众多。【考点抢测】( B)1.(2017黄冈中考)Which country has the_population in the world?China. Its a little_than that of India.Amost;most Bbiggest;biggerCmore;most Dbigger;biggestsucceed的用法【满分点拨】辨析succeed,success与successful词汇词性及词义用法来源:gkstk.Comsucceedv.实现目标;成功succeed in doing sth.成功做某事来源:学优高考网successn.成功一般作不可数名词;当作“成功的人或事”讲时,是可数名词。successfuladj.成功的常用作表语,副词为successfully。Jim succeeded in getting through the forest.吉姆成功地穿过了那片森林。【考点抢测】( D)2.(2017咸宁中考)Zheng He was a Ming Dynasty_that we Chinese people are proud of.来源:gkstk.ComI agree with you. He even succeeded_sailing to the east coast of Africa.Atourist;to Bphilosopher;inCinventor;to Dexplorer;inprotect v保护;防护【满分点拨】【原句】The main reason was to protect their part of the country.主要的原因是为了保护他们的国家的领土。【点拨】protect作动词,意为“保护”。如:You need warm clothes to protect you against the cold.你需要穿暖些以免着凉。【拓展】protectfrom/against意为“保护不受侵害”。如:People need to plant more trees to protect themselves from the sandstorms.人们需要种植更多的树来保护自己不受沙尘暴的侵害。【考点抢测】( A)3.(2015保定一模)Remember that laws are necessary _ you.Ato protect BprotectCpromise Dto promisebelong to属于;归属【满分点拨】【原句】But not about belonging to a group.但是不属于哪个群体。belong to意为“属于”,该短语无进行时态和被动语态,常有以下几种用法:(1)后面常接人,这时句子的主语习惯是用物件名词或代词来充当。如:This cellphone belongs to me.这个手机是我的。来源:gkstk.Com(2)后面接某事物或地点时,则意思是“与某事/某处有关系、派做某种用场最好”。如:This part belongs to that car.这个零件是那辆车上的。We belong to China.我们属于中国。(3)该短语也可以意为“是的成员之一”。如:I belong to this tennis club.我是这个网球俱乐部的会员。【考点抢测】( D)4.(2017天水中考)Whose bike is it?It_to me. Its hers.Aisnt belonged Bwasnt belongedCdidnt belong Ddoesnt belongthe number of的数量【满分点拨】【原句】The number of records he has sold.他已经卖的唱片数量。the number of表示“的数量”,后可以接可数名词复数,主语是number,而不是of后面的复数名词,所以谓语应用单数。如:The number of students in our school is rising year by year.我们学校学生的数量一年年地在增长。【拓展】a number of意为“许多”,后跟可数名词复数形式,谓语用复数;如:A small number of people have read the book.为数不多的人读过这本书。I have a large number of letters to write.我有许多信要写。A number of students are from Beijing.许多学生来自北京。【考点抢测】( A)5.(2017齐齐哈尔中考改编)A number of visitors_visiting the West Lake and the number of the visitors_increasing.Aare;is Bis;are Care;are Dis;iscant wait to do sth.迫不及待地做某事【原句】she cant wait to read them.她就迫不及待地要读它们。【满分点拨】cant wait to do sth.意为“迫不及待地做某事;等不及做某事”,用于表达人们渴望马上做某事的急切心情。如:I cant wait.我等不及了。I cant wait to see you again.我迫不及待地想再次见到你。来源:gkstk.Com【考点抢测】来源:学优高考网( B)6.(2014邯郸中考模拟)When he heard his fathers voice,he couldnt wait _ out of the room.Arun Bto run Crunning Dranhurry up赶快;急忙(做某事)【满分点拨】hurry构成的不同短语(1)作名词,意为“匆忙;急忙”,常用短语:in a hurry赶快;急忙be in a hurry to do sth.do sth.in a hurry(2)作动词,意为“赶紧;匆忙”,常用短语:hurry to someplace匆忙赶去某地hurry to do sth.匆忙做某事hurry up赶快hurry off匆忙离开【考点抢测】( A)7.(2017山西中考改编)When going upstairs or downstairs, we need to walk on the right, leaving the left space for the people who_Ahurry up Blook around来源:学优高考网Crun away Dwalk intoone of the形容词的最高级复数名词【原句】Carth is one of the most successful musicians in American history.加斯是美国历史上最成功的音乐家之一。【满分点拨】来源:gkstk.Com本句中的one of意为“中的一个”或“之一”,后面接复数名词;当名词前有形容词修饰时,形容词应用其最高级形式。如:Song Jie is one of the tallest students in our class.宋杰是我们班最高的学生之一。【注意】one of作主语时应看成单数。如:One of the girls is my sister.这群女孩当中有一个是我妹妹。【考点抢测】( C)8.(2017湘潭中考改编)One of_places for mountain climbing is the Himalayas.Apopular Bmore popularCthe most popular Dmost popular来源:gkstk.Comeven though(even if)即使;虽然【满分点拨】来源:gkstk.Com辨析even though与as if短语含义用法even thougheven if即使;虽然引导让步状语从句时,even if引导的从句含有强烈的假定性;even though则多以从句的内容为前提。as ifas though似乎;好像在look,seem等系动词后引导表语从句。引导方式状语从句,多用虚拟语气表示非真实的情况。【考点抢测】( D)9.(2015石家庄42中模拟)_ Frank left school at 16,he still became a successful writer.AEver since BIn factCAfter all DEven thoughIf were only talking about the parts from the Ming Dynasty,its about 8,850 kilometers long.如果我们只谈论明朝部分的话,它大约8 850千米长。 【满分点拨】长/宽/高/深的两种表达方式:(1)若计量表达用作表语,则用“数字量词(复数)形容词(long/wide/high/deep等)”结构。对计量进行提问要用句型:How形容词be主语?如:The road is about five kilometers long,four meters wide.这条路大约五千米长,四米宽。(2)若计量表达用作前置定语,则用复合形容词,即“数字量词(单数)形容词(long/wide/high/deep等)”来表达。This is a 20meterhigh sculpture.这是一座20米高的雕像。【考点抢测】( D)10.(2017乌鲁木齐中考)_students went to the university to listen to th
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